
You might find these a bit hard to cope with. Easy there.
For all intents and purposes, I'm PG-16.
Intake is recommended in small doses to prevent nausea and an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

El dilema

El dilema, la cuestión. Siempre lo mismo, este problema empieza y termina con vos.
Si escribo tu nombre y me inspiro en nosotros dos puedo decirle adiós a la idea de tu aprobación.
Y me duele el orgullo porque no quiero perder tu mirada y mucho menos tu admiración, pero tampoco puedo desnudarme así como así ante tus ojos, supongo que en el fondo me queda algo de pudor.
Me siento y pienso en otros, pero vuelvo a recordar tu voz. Cada vez te hacés más grande, en mi mente tu sombra opaca las voces ajenas y no hay nadie más, absorbés todo lo que soy.
Estoy en la mitad de un camino que no me lleva a ningún lado y ya esta oscuro para volver. Espero que me vengas a buscar pero no veo nada, acá no hay nadie, me volviste a abandonar.
Y quizás nunca te haya amado, quizás esto sea una obsesión, pero yo puedo escribir miles de hojas sobre el sonido de tu voz.

Mademoiselle Juliette.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

So we ended at the end

Si este es el adiós entonces ahí tenés la puerta
espero que te vaya mal y que te mueras pronto
espero que nunca encuentres la felicidad.

Si todo termina acá corré y no vuelvas
desde mi lugar te desearé lo peor
que te truene y que te llueva.

Porque alguien como vos no merece nada
y sin embargo tenés todo, que suerte despiadada
la única salida es empezar a creer en el karma.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I've got a wider knowledge of the world, I just can't take another argument about the rent.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

To new beginnings

Anger. Acute pain in my stomach and my eyes are red. My throat feels like closing and I cannot move my legs. This is the state your lies have left me in, this is the way I never wanted to feel.
There's no longer that passion, all I have left is this desire to stab you to the core, to make you suffer and to watch you fall. Fall to my knees, like it always should have been.
I'm going to be the bigger person if I have to. You are blowing things out of proportion and I'm sick of your rants and being told off. This ends here, tonight.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I have way more power than you thought, over you, over me.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

Now press repeat

Te dejé jugar con todo lo mío, sin restricciones, te dije la verdad, te mentí y me arrepentí, me perdonaste y volvimos a empezar.
Y ahora buscás mi cama, buscás mis manos como si no hubiera otras. Como si no hubiera otras? Me confundís, me nublás la mirada.
De tan solo pensar que pensando en vos hice lo impensado no se si llorar o reír, no entiendo que me pasa pero me estremezco al verte venir.
Hay días en los que pienso que no te quiero, que no te necesito, que no me gustás, que no me atraés. Hay días en que me alcanza una palabra para darte todo lo que tengo.
Por vos no dejaría nada, pero quisiera que por mí dejes todo. Me gusta exigir y que me exijan pero vos solamente te enojás y me retás de una manera muy fría.
Hoy hablar con vos es una batalla permanente, entre vos y yo y mía conmigo misma, no quiero caer y caí casi sin pensarlo, me quiero levantar pero ese tren ya pasó hace rato.
Sos todo, no sos nada, contingente o necesario, tu razón es mi principio y vivís en mi conciente pero de ahí no pasás jamás.
Porque podrías ser vos como podrías ser cualquiera, no quiero ver cosas donde no las hay pero quiero saber si las cosas que veo son ciertas.
Y llegamos a la misma conclusión, la luz está apagada y escucho un ruido, me escondo y me pregunto si habrá algo abajo de la cama.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
With your hands between your thighs. 

Just in time

I realised, just in time, that this is not at all alright,
I can no longer pretend I do not have a heart
it's not my place to tell you off, you're on your own
but if it's going to be like this, I'm sorry, I can't go on.

I should have known better and deep inside I did
I guess I wanted to play, I wanted to try
but I'm not strong, I'm not foolish enough to ignore
that you don't remember my name, you silly boy.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Someone to look good with and light your cigarette, is this what you really want?

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

I'm a thief, I'm a thief.

Más de vos. Más de mi.

Un mensaje. Un llamado. Un mensaje reenviado. Contestás. Me llamás. Arreglamos.Nos amamos.
Partís. Viajas. Espero. Espero. Espero. AnsiedadMucha ansiedad. Emoción. Espero. Espero. Un mensaje. Una llamada. Estás cerca.
Llegás. Me besas. Asensor. Me besás mejor. Me abrazás. Te beso mejor.
Entramos. Mi cuarto. Mi cama. Besos. Besos. Besos. Palabras de amor. Palabras de amor. Abrazos. Besos. Besos.
Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.
Nos levantamos. Salimos. Paseamos. Felicidad. Felicidad. Felicidad. Volvemos.
Entramos. Mi cuarto. Mi cama. Amor. Amor. Sexo. Amor. Amor. Amor. Amor en su forma más pura. Como nunca antes, amor.
Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.
Pelea. Pelea. Pelea que se vuelve insostenible.
Separación a corto plazo. Minuto. Minuto. Minuto.
Corazon latiendo. Beso. Amor. Amor. Beso. Mi cama. Amor. Amor.
Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.
Pelea. Pelea. Pelea que se vuelve insostenible.
Separación a corto plazo. Minuto. Minuto. Minuto.
Corazón latiendo. Beso. Amor. Amor. Beso. Mi cama. Amor. Amor.
Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.
Amor. Amor. Amor. Beso. Beso. Beso. Amor. Amor. Amor.
Nos levantamos. Salimos. Amigos. Fiesta. Baile. Amor. Amor. Beso. Beso.
Pelea. Pelea. Pelea que se vuelve insostenible.
Separación a corto plazo. Minuto. Minuto. Minuto.
Corazón latiendo. Beso. Amor. Amor. Beso. Amor. Amor. Volvemos.
Entramos. Mi cuarto. Mi cama. Amor. Amor. Sexo. Amor. Amor. Amor. Amor en su forma más pura. Como nunca antes, amor.
Placer. Como nunca antes, placer. Cansancio. Dormir.
Despertar. Amor. Sexo. Amor. Amor. Amor. Amor en su forma más pura. Como nunca antes, amor.
Placer. Como nunca antes, placer. Cansancio.
Levantarse. Acomodar. Amor. Amor. Me besás mejor. Me abrazás. Te beso mejor.Nos amamos.
Viajar. Comer. Tristeza. Comer. Viajar.
Más tristeza. Como nunca antes, tristeza.
Esperar. Esperar. Esperar. Tristeza. Máxima tristeza. Esperar. Esperar. Esperar.
Dobla el 160. Me besás. Me abrazás. Te beso mejor. Amor en su forma más pura.
El 160 a una cuadra. Puchero. Sonrisa falsaTristeza. Realidad. TristezaPuchero.
'Mandame mensajes y avisame cuando llegues. Chau gorda.'
'Si, chau.'
Te subís al 160. Te vás. Te alejás.

Vas a volver. Al poco tiempo, volvés. Como siempre lo hacés cada semana. Cada Sábado que venís. Ahí volvés. Es cuestión de esperar. Tiempo al tiempo. Una semana.Un mes. Medio año. Yo te espero. Siempre volvemos a vernos. Siempre volvemos al mismo lugar. Siempre nos volvemos a amar.
Tiempo al tiempo. Tiempo de vos.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

The end of me

This is going to be the end of me, you're going to destroy me
with your beautiful face and fresh charming smile
your touch is disarming, I'm falling apart.

One look and I melt just a tad of your scent and I'm far far away
I cannot help this and I don't want to control myself
if this is wrong just say so and I'll find something new to adore.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Do you believe in passion?

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011


Qué sano crecer y darse cuenta de los errores cometidos
qué placer tener la tranquilidad de mirarte a los ojos
y saber que tengo razón, que el equivocado sos vos.

Coincidencias inesperadas que la vida nos va tirando
como bromas del destino, en el último beso te estoy olvidando
y ya no se quien sos, sos un error, sos el pasado.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
If you tell me truth I'll explode, but a lie can rot a soul.

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011


Close your eyes, just let it go
say the words and I'm only yours
don't hold anything back
this is the right time
tell me what you're feeling
once and for all, speak your mind.

I'm fond of the playing and sneaking around
something about it gives me an adrenalin rush
I even enjoy the look in your face
when I laugh and say we have to be really quick.

But I'm growing tired of keeping this to myself
I need some reassurance, I need the rules to this game
so just tell me the truth, what is this? Who are you?
Am I wasting my time or are your words true?

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I can see us making ways from the back of the club to a bed in the shades.

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Testosterone boys and harlequin girls

Me acuerdo de la primera vez que escuché esta canción.
Estaba sentada en tu cama mirando para todos lados, nerviosa, y lo único que sonaba era la música. Vos no me hablabas, yo prestaba atención a las palabras para no pensar en vos.
Y te tenía enfrente, pero algo más nos distanciaba. El abismo era enorme, yo miraba por la ventana.
Puertas que se abren, puertas que se cierran, puertas que se traban, lo veo como si estuviese pasando, veo tu cabeza en la almohada.
Los parlantes me juzgaban y yo no sabía que hacía, casi que no sabía donde estaba. Afuera hacía calor, en tu cama hacía frío.
Los recuerdos de lo que pasó después son confusos, veo sillones veo camas, veo colchones en el piso y una guitarra desafinada. Escucho y revivo, escucho y existo.
Mirábamos televisión, tarareabamos metal, vos me tocabas y yo explotaba pero no iba a pasar nada más.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Dance to this beat.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

This paranoia is distressing

I like to shout but I'm not really loud. I'm the kind of girl you pick up in a bar. There's so much more about me than the things you can see when you look at me, so watch out because I'm about to say something and it might blow you off your feet.
You may walk away today, might as well do it tomorrow or even the next day, and you will never know what you missed, who you said no to, so you will have no regrets. Where is the fairness in this? I don't want to care about your kisses yet here I am writing about your hands touching my thighs and my so called independence.
I've never been this stupid, I've never been this blind, it's never been this complicated to forget about a man.
I lack the ability to let go off a one night stand, I'm not one to just kiss in a club. And I'm not trying to change for you, I'm trying to change for my own good.
Who wrote the rules to this game? Who gave you this much control? Oh, yes, it was me.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
The lights are on and someone's home but I'm not sure if they're alone.

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Fireworks and a fantasy

I guess I'm willing to say whatever it takes to get a reaction, to make you feel what I'm feeling, to get things to the point of no return when arms and legs can't be distinguished.

Shivers, fireworks, all we are is a bit of noise and two pairs of hands scratching thighs like there's no tomorrow.

All we have is here and now but it seems like we're flying, far away from this reality.

You give me such a high, it feels so right, every time you touch my skin my body trembles, I don't know why.

You've got that magic power, the ability to make me lose my mind and show me colors I didn't know existed, such a wonderful range of sensations brand new for me to experience.

I can't let go of this fantasy, I can't say no to your eyes, I refuse to walk away from something that makes me feel so alive.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
All was golden when the day met the night.

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Te necesito

Sin conocer las preguntas diste bien cada respuesta
de no mostrarte tan fresco, tan puro,
hasta creería que la tuya es una elegancia fingida
una perfección ensayada,
te miro, te adoro, te devoro con miradas furtivas.

Siempre tan lejano, siempre tan mío,
nunca vas a saber de mis labios lo mucho que te necesito,

Mademoiselle Juliette,
It's on purpose and you know it.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

I've got more wit, a better kiss.

Losing control of my body, I'm losing control of my mind
letting go of thoughts and feelings, it has never been so nice.
All of my senses are amplified, the things you make me experience
are completely outrageous, scandalous
you're out of your mind and it's spectacular.

Just promise me you won't stop, even if I ask you to.
Promise me it'll only get better, I don't mind being lied to.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Time keeps slipping us by when we're alone. Music makes me get high, we're getting down on the floor.

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Beggars & Queens

I must have mistaken you for a beggar, you may have mistaken me for a queen
this reality is so gorgeous I'd even spill blood all over it.

Because this is exactly what I've been waiting for, for everyone to see
the vital differences, the awful effects that time had on you but not on me.

Forget about the past what's done's done and you can't take anything back
but I've changed for the better and you're a living dead, a crying star.

It amazes me, I'm astonished to see how quickly you've come apart
it seems that in the end not even your most wicked tricks worked out.

Now go home and stare at my pictures, hide under your bed
you know the future's coming and you're about to lose your all your hair.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I've gone mad.


Solamente con mirarte ya no puedo conterme
me río y te sonrío, y parezco una demente.
Me gustaría poder decirte que por vos daría todo
pero temo que asustes y me mires con otros ojos.

Me siento a tu lado y observo todo lo que hacés
se que más que eso no puedo ni debo querer
pero me lleno de pena y sucumbo
ante las ganas de cambiarte la vida en un segundo.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Is it really necessary, every single day?

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Miles away

"Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
and smile smile smile
While you've a lucifer to light your fag
smile, boys, that's the style.
What's the use of worrying?
It never was worth while, so
pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
and smile smile smile".

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Everyone knew it was not a war worth fighting, but we had to bleed to death to understand what was happening.

Enough is enough

So it seems that in the end you couldn't keep the promises you made. And that's fine, I'm used to it by now.
I never knew what to expect so I expected nothing, but when someone gives you the world you start thinking you may have found something. 
Wrong, you lied, and everything you swore you wouldn't do you went and did. "What a disappointment, what a waste of breath" I'm sure that's exactly what you're expecting me to say, but I will never be as mean, as deceiving as you were.
I've been called names, I've been beaten to the floor, but I can't accept a lie when it comes to love. 
Your actions contradict your words and I wonder when you're being honest and when you're just playing a role. A man is a two-face and that I've always known, it just kills me to witness this meltdown, this faux.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
So here's everything coming down to nothing. Here's to silence that cuts me to the core. Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute, but I don't anymore.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Better off

You don't hurt the ones you love, no you don't,
you don't walk away from something
when it doesn't go the way you want, just because, no you don't.
One day you'll grow up and you'll realize you're wrong.
One day, maybe too late, you'll understand I'm better off.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I know it's been a year. I know you're not coming back. I know I'm so much better off yet I still miss you somehow. You never did anything to deserve me, I'll always be the best you had.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

To heal you have to live, you have to leave.

Sometimes it's not the chronological aspect of time that heals the wounds, but the moments you live and the things that happen during that period of time.
I've been to hell and back, I carry all sorts of ghosts and skeletons in my back. Months, years have passed by and things are finally falling into place, very slowly, one by one.
I thought I was never going to overcome this, I thought the end of you meant the end of me but I proved myself I'm not that weak.
I'm back and I'm almighty, while people die for their dreams I live to see them come true and it's magic. Everything I've always wanted now I have it, and I didn't need you to get any of it.
Life is better without you, and even though I still wish you the worst, today I couldn't care less about what happens to you.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Thank you for showing me that best friends cannot be trusted, and thank you for lying to me. Your friendship, the good times we had, you can have them back.

martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

Game over

I know I shouldn't even think about you, let alone have feelings for you.
Still you're the only thing in my mind and I love you a bit more every day that goes by.
I'm done with the rhetorical questions, the doubts and the crying,
I'm through with lying, what I feel is real, no point in trying to deny it.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
You'll never get to heaven if you dance like that.


There's always something I'm not saying, something I keep to myself
life's a path that's full of secrets and these I really don't want to tell
just promise me you'll love me, even if I don't say it all
promise me you'll try to accept the fact that there are things you cannot know.

My mind likes to play tricks on me, but those are stories you don't need to hear
because if I mentioned every thought, every problem, every single moment of hesitation
you would run away in a heartbeat, and that's what I'm trying to avoid:
the look of disappointment that says it's all over.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Friends think I'm wrong for being head over heels. I should be strong, should I stay and deal with it? Or should I just let go?

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011


Extraño tu pobre elocuencia, tu dura honestidad
y esa capacidad de enojarte por nada en particular.
Nunca te entendí del todo, pero eso jamás importo,
porque fuimos perfectos a nuestro modo
sin escuchar mucho a nadie más.

Y hoy, ya de lejos, te recuerdo y te hablo
me pregunto por que estamos como estamos
y me doy cuenta de como pasa el tiempo
de como nos alejamos, de como crecemos.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
No one believes you any lie.

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

You're a canary

I'm not as sad as I come across,
I'm not half the person I thought I was.

You're not perfect and you've let me down,
but I take things as they come
and I'm not giving up on us.

Save your kisses and your sighs,
don't even try with other girls
'cause you will only waste your time.

It's always been me, baby,
I can tell by the way you stare and smile.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
A very confusing way to feel.

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

Not the other way around

Everything's just as you left it
all the pillows and the covers
the blue sheets and broken drawers.
I don't want to turn on the lights
I don't want to see the mess you've left behind
the bruises and mistakes I carry on my back.
You've ruined my night, my thighs are black
I'm looking for relief in a bottle of wine
I'm trying hard to forget and never ever rewind.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Every little psycho that you happen to see, well you meant everything to them but you meant nothing to me.

domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

Laughed at by the gods

Those who cannot accept themselves destroy themselves
to the point of forgetting who they really were.
You were doomed from the start
a superior talent, a broken heart
building dreams from which you can't be apart.
You were right when you said that nobody understands
how can we know about the storms inside your head?
I trust you will be fine, anything's better than a lifetime messing up
you always knew better and, in the end, you found a way out.

It's been your voice, young woman, your emotions
that have set you apart from the rest.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
She had it coming and it happened. I'll always remember her as who she wanted to be, instead of who she became in the end. All the lost souls must eventually let go of themselves.

sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Tucking fibs into a cookie jar

I'm speechless and I don't even know if that's a good thing
this pain, this strain, this joy and this contempt,
so many thoughts together, all over my brain.

Please tell me what just happened
and explain to me why you're crying
I'm struggling to make sense, I'm tired of lying to your face.

It gets hard to tell the difference between reality and our dreams
someone has to show you the mistakes you're making here
It's got to be me, I have no other choice, I want to break free.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
This prison cell used to be a shelter, now we're just looking for the best way out.

jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Oh, I'm great

Hablás de mi como si supieras
y no entendés nada, me das mucha pena.
Te estás esforzando mucho
y nada de lo que digas me llega.
Pensé que te conocía
y que eras mejor que esto.
Estoy intentando no lastimarte
estoy cambiando para que vos no mueras.
Nótese que estoy dando un ejemplo acá
que te tengo mucha consideración.
No es mi intención que todo termine así de mal
pero no me dejás otra opción.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
You've always been a sociopath.

viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

On love, in love

I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do.
I have so many feelings inside of me I cannot even express, this is something new to me.
I want to smile, I need to cry, I swear to God this isn't even my life.
I've never been this happy. I've never been this sad.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
La canción desesperada.

Romeo's take on love

I thought Romeo was right, in a surreal and fantastic way. It turns out I was wrong.
Love is exactly what he said it was. I thought it would never happen, that it would never come true, yet here we are.
I would give anything to have a bottle of that poison, anything to ease this pleasant pain, but I could never let go of the memories of you, of how good it felt when you held my hand.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I could have died with you.

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

All things must come to an end

The only advantage of being a writer is that, from every tough situation, you get a lot of inspiration.
I've disappeared from the blog for the past few days, and I feel like I've been living someone else's life as well.
Just when I thought nothing could make me feel again, something, someone came up.
Sometimes we lose our way, and drift apart from the person we thought we were meant to be, only to find that those things we believed impossible are, actually, pretty easy to achieve. Just in time we realize that we've changed for ever, changed for good.
Without the unexpected things would be dull, predictable and simple. Complicated means change, change means progress and progress means growing up. I've spent hours, days, months wondering how does one grow up, but I've found that it's not something you do, it's just something that happens.
It doesn't really matter if you believe in destiny or not, sooner or later time catches up with you and everything evolves.
I'm still struggling with time and embracing the pain of leaving the today to live the tomorrow. I used to wish I could freeze the world just as it was, but I finally understood the meaning of change.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Parting is such sweet sorrow, but journeys end in lovers' meetings. 

lunes, 27 de junio de 2011


I still don't know you, after ten years and a half
I don't remember all the spots in your face
I just remember the way you held my hand
the look in your eyes when I said goodbye
and that was the first time that I broke a heart.

I must confess it felt so nice,
to have had the guts to do something like that
and even though I knew you'd hate me for life
I had to go through with my story, my lines,
to prove myself that I can hurt a man.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
No more liars.


You have built an enormous lie and bent over backwards to make me believe. With your whispers and rhymes you enchanted me, you fooled me, tricked me into thinking you were feeling things you were not.

For years and years you kept it alive, kept the connection and the contempt in my heart, because you had given me a home when all I had was a scar. 

But as time goes by I can see the master plan, I see the scheming and pretending and everything makes sense now. 

I see who you are and who you are not, I know what you feel and what you do to hide that too. There is just one thing I don't see, one thing I still can't comprehend.

Why did you feel the need to do such thing? Did it feel good, did it feel nice? Was it amusing to hear us sing and see the look in our eyes? 

Tears down our faces and things you could never understand, in the end we're far more real than you expected us to be.

You've changed my life and I can't deny that, but I hate the fact that it wasn't as special for you as it was for me. The memories I've come to treasure the most mean nothing to you, mean the world to me. 

How do I keep going with all this hate inside of me? With this anger, this fear and this disappointment of having wasted so much time and energy in something that was conceived as meaningless and mundane?

I should have known better, I should have given up. All the signs were there and I just refused to hear and kept on singing, blind. Blinded by the lights and that sense of unity you seemed to spread around.

Sometimes I think it was all me, looking for meaning in words that were flat, desperately trying to get something to hold on to. But it wasn't in my mind, I didn't imagine it. It was you, the craftsmen of suffering and despair, breaking illusions and hearts, because that's how you go about.

The hours that I've spent worshiping false gods I cannot ask back for. All can I do is hope I will never fall again in the irrelevant claws of commercial maneuvers, aimed at brainwashed dolls looking for a shag and some self-assurance.

Mademoiselle Juliettè
The winter of our discontent.

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

No podemos

Qué sabrás de mi, me tiene sin cuidado. Nada me avergüenza, nada que te puedan haber contado. El tiempo pasa y sos el mismo, soy la misma y el sentimiento es recíproco, pero la situación no acompaña, creeme, de esto no hay salida.
Porque pusiste tu mano en mi cintura y me dijiste lo prohibido, porque quisiste pasarte de listo y hacer cosas que no se te habían permitido, y no te importo el lugar, no te importo el momento, no te importo nada y la que paga el precio de tu indecencia es esta cara, confundida y lejana, que tenés en una foto arriba de tu cama.
Va a ser mejor olvidarse, si es que podés, si es que puedo. Dejemos todo esto atrás, no va a suceder ahora como no sucedio en su momento. Vos te vas y yo pienso, si algún día nos dejarán, si algún día podremos...

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Oh you know who you are, you know that quite well indeed.

domingo, 19 de junio de 2011


Everyday that goes by I cry a bit more
cause it's another day without hearing your voice
and all the things that we did I'll never forget
because that's how I want it to be.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Vos me estás mirando y yo voy a caer.


A mistake, a phrase, a word, a proposition,
all of the things you fear the most and hate
for you to see, written all over my face.

I hope you had fun dancing your rejection dance
lying through your teeth and sending me mixed signals
such a flirt, a heart breaker, a lady-juggler and the like.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I can get mine, and you get yours.

martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Knock once for the father

Ya no sé que está bien porque no sé que está mal.
Voy por la vida, digo, hago, deshago,
y nunca me paro a pensar con qué fin, con qué intenciones.
Me baso en cosas que pasaron, en sensaciones que tuve,
en amenazas a mi pasado y en ese tiro que no fue disparado.
Todavía no definí a donde voy ni como voy a lograrlo
pero sé muy bien que con ustedes no voy a ningún lado.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Credevo fossi una virgola, invece sei il punto. 

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Cannot refuse

Me duele saber, pensar y sentir que nunca tuve ni voy a tener algo tan real como lo que tuve con vos. Pero la certeza es tan inminente que no puedo más que sonreír y aceptarlo, como si no me quemara por dentro, como si no me importara.
A veces me pregunto si voy a crecer y dejarte atrás, si algún día te voy a olvidar, si se va a borrar mi memoria y de una vez por todas te voy a despegar de mí. Estás tan cómodo entre mis párpados, en cada línea, que no parece que fueses a irte a ningún lado.
No te quiero echar, no me malinterpretes, pero quiero seguir mi vida sin mirar atrás y verte ahí sentado, con los brazos abiertos y los ojos mojados, diciendo que me estuviste esperando, diciendo que nunca voy a amar a alguien como te amé a vos, diciendo que estoy arruinada, que esto fue todo y que para mí ya no hay mas amor.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I just can't get over you until you're over me.


Te tengo que dar un nombre rápido
antes de que mueras, antes del final
tengo que saber quien sos antes de dejarte ir
así sabré a quien recordar
y podré llamar de algún modo a mi dolor.
Quiero conocer tu cara y mostrarte
bajo la Luna, bajo las luces de neón
porque sos sólo mía
porque sos mi creación.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Have I found you? 

sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Wise or boring?

The wisest choice.
The one that's hard to make and hard to live with.
I don't know whether the regrets are worse than the what ifs
I just know that what I feel I never want to feel again.
I have to find a way out
so sick of living scared.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I'm not the girl that I intend to be.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011


I want something you can't give me.
I don't know if I really want you
 I'm just playing to get through the days.
I get a bit of fun from everything that I say,
I trick you into thinking that I am things I'll never be.
And you, gullible little boy, believe,
as if my words were sacred,
as if this pen in my hand wrote nothing but the truth.
You believe and your heart bleeds
from the pain I say I've been through,
your eyes cry the tears from the deaths of my beloveds,
every time you scream, you're screaming at my fears.
You have become a mere shadow,
the remains of my existence, there's no you anymore.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
While the sun shines on you I need some love to rain on me.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Don't leave me

Greed gets stronger than patience and art becomes a consequence of that constant search for greatness.
What used to be meaningless now is the reason to live and the focus is gone, such a blur I see no goal.
What about reconginition? Well I don't know, you tell me about it, I only live through someone else's eyes.
Such a sad passing, such a lovely gift lost, all I want is that sparkle back, but nothing seems to work.
As much as I try what's gone won't come back, as much as I want it I know I've left it behind.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I'll be fine, it's not the first, just like last time but a little worse.

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Pretty please

I don't want to look for you anymore I just want to find you
don't leave me hanging, on and on off, don't leave me hurting.
You know it's attention that I'm craving for so feed me
keep the pantomime alive, don't let this die, don't ruin things.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I declare I don't care no more.

Dream on

Te metiste en mis sueños, ese mundo subconciente del que te creés dueño. Nadie te invitó, nadie te había mencionado, no me explico por qué apareciste donde yo no te quiero, porque me escondo de vos cuando en mí me encierro.
No quiero volver a verte, no quiero pensarte más, tus palabras me lastimaron tanto que volver a escucharte me podría matar. Sé que merezco algo mejor y sé que lo voy a encontrar, pero no en tus ojos, no en tu voz, no acá.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Compassion is something that they just don't teach.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011


Yo nunca mentí al respecto ni oculté nada. Nunca tuve vergüenza ni miedo de decir la verdad.
No sé por que se empecinan en hacerme sentir mal, me siento mejor que ustedes, yo estoy cómoda con quien elegí ser, y cuando quiera puedo cambiar. Pero hay cosas que ustedes hicieron que ya no pueden volver atrás.
A mí déjenme por mi camino, de esta manera soy feliz. No veo que diferencia les hace, si ustedes no tienen nada que ver.
Me cansa que opinen, me harta que juzguen, y si ustedes lo van a hacer entonces yo también. Preparen las armas, porque esto se llama guerra.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
See the sea wants to take me, the knife wants to slit me, do you think you can help me?

So obliging, sweet indulgence

Don't think I want to feel like this
tied to the way we touch, we kiss.
Still can't put my finger on what it is
but you blow my mind, you do.

You have me lingering, back and forth,
not even breathing, lying beside you
with my heart barely beating,
begging for something,
struggling to get there,
trying so hard but I could never resist it.

Walk away now that I got what I wanted from you
because I don't need a kiss of yours to get through the night.
For some reason I have a memory, I don't hold on to the past
but I experience old feelings, recreate them in my mind.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Oh well, enough said.

I'll see you next Tuesday

I'll never forget all the stupid things we've done
like the time that we got horny
watching "Into the blue" in my living room.

Remember the waves and the sand in our hands?
Remember the nights on the phone, the nights at the bar?
Remember all the things we did and then talked about?

We've gone from friends to acquaintances
to merely fun and games, in such little time
and some aspects of you just took me by surprise.

Who would've known the kind of secrets you hide
in the much frequented world of your underpants?
No, nobody could imagine the things that I've found out.

I don't need any more attention, I'm happy hanging on
I've got your number in case I can't wait anymore
but calling you for that still feels a little wrong.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
And if they don't believe me now, will they ever believe me?


Quiero que me mires, quiero que me veas, quiero ser ante tus ojos, quiero brillar a tus orillas, que me reconozcas.
Quiero que me escribas y que me sueñes, que me suspires, que me digas que sí.
No me gusta pensarte así, no quiero estar pendiente de lo que hacés. Pero no me sale ser otra cosa que el fantasma de tus suelas.
Es una triste, triste existencia para mí.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Something to look forward to.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Tell me

But... how can you be happy?

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Complete misery.

Disturbed and interrupted

I know I'm not right and I even know things are OK.
But in my mind, deep down in my heart, I can feel something's not quite fine.
I can see it, I can almost touch it, but you would never believe it.
I can't convince you, you see, I can't fight against your uncommon nonsense.
No I can't, no I can't.
And so I come and go, cling onto stupid trains of thought,
then I jump off, and get on them again.
I see no limit to this delirium, I see no way to stop.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I had a really bad dream, it lasted 20 years, 7 months and 27 days, and I'm all alone and I never had no one, ever.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Look back in anger

Don't "kleenex" me you loser.

You've never been enough for me, not ever. And I'm here solely to have fun. Even though it isn't working very well.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
My mates all reckon you are suitable.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011


Mi tiempo con vos fue mi tiempo más triste
pero fue lo mejor de tu vida,
y es que las cosas entre nosotros siempre fueron así
lo que te hacía felíz, a mí me deprimía.

Te fuiste y dejaste un desastre acá
te fuiste y pensaste que te iba a esperar,
pero sin vos yo vi la luz
con vos se fueron mis problemas, allá lejos, hacia el sur.

Después de tanto tiempo
hoy nos volvemos a encontrar,
llenos de recuerdos, de rencores, de sabores,
de cosas que, si bien odio, nunca voy a poder olvidar.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Let's make the same mistakes in a brand new place tonight, because it's Saturday night.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Inferior, you're inferior

Thought you wouldn't know, well this is me telling you.
There are lessons in life you cannot miss or live without
and baby it seems that you've forgotten about that part.
You lack the balance, lack the simplicity, lack the charm
that is almost compulsory for such an inferior mind.
There isn't even a trace of bravery inside your body,
nothing that can show me you're worth the pain or worth the time.
And I don't want to waste my life among unintelligent,
completely empty pieces of flesh, you see,
I aspire to something bigger than just entertainment.
So go on now, live by your rules and try not to fall for a shiny light,
for a fluorescent pseudo star.
Just be aware of the fact that you could have had the best,
and you blew it all away.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Under another unforgiving street light.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011


I'm using this space today to encourage everyone to leave a comment on the entries that you like. Doesn't matter what you write, just "I like this" or "that sucked", anything will do.
It would be nice to know who reads the blog, if somebody does read it.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Just off the key of reason. 

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011


Si por mis palabras van a recordarme, que bueno que digo todo lo que pienso, que expreso todo lo que siento, que de alguna manera u otra dejo una marca en la memoria de todos los que me conocieron o me conocerán.
Si por mis actos, en cambio, fuesen a recordarme, remítanse a gestos, a pequeños movimientos, a decisiones poco pensadas, a aquellos pocos momentos de guardia baja.
Si por mi pensamientos quieren mantenerme en vida entonces nunca olviden mis confidencias, mis indiscreciones, mis decadencias, mis instantes de delirio o de conciencia total. Nunca olviden que siempre pude ver, pensar más allá.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I'm not OK.


You've always been a sociopath
you've always stabbed everyone in the back
but this time I'm not coming around

I ain't no stupid doll
and mistakes I've made once 
I can't make twice in a row.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
A man is a two-face. 

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011


Fuiste mi mejor inspiración, la estrella más brillante
le diste a mi mente el sustento que tanto necesitaba,
pero no me puedo obligar a volver a amarte
no tengo la fuerza, me pesa la culpa de mentirte a la cara.

Y lo que más me duele es tu dulce inocencia
tus ojos grandes juzgando mis andanzas, mis indecencias
no soy capaz de engañarte un rato más por el bien de mis versos
hoy te tengo que abandonar, buscar a alguien más, empezar de cero.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Here we go again, I kinda...

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011


I happen to think that there's a film director to suit every type of personality out there. Somebody that can understand, capture and depict the nature of humanity just like we feel it.

I found out that mine was Woody Allen at the age of twelve. It started off like everything I end up loving: I hated him. I didn't understand why it moved every bit of me, I didn't like the feeling of being dragged through the longest and deepest trains of thought, I was reluctant to it at first.
Then I grew up and into his films. And that was when my mind opened to a whole new world of greatness at such an amazing level. 
The way he thinks, the way he writes, the way his soul and pure essence come through his movies and into people's minds is unbelievable. 

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
And held a purse of a different kind.


The woman's her own saxophone, what else can one ask for?

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
With love, in envy.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

Shivers down our spines

Oh! Dear friend! Am I going to fast? May I be rushing into silly conclusions assuming that he feels the same way I think I do? 
I am falling in love and I fear this is irrevocable, there's no turning back on the kind of spells that man casted upon me. What should I do? Should I try to hide this and just wait? Wait for what, anyway?
All I have to live for is hope. I only breathe because I'm holding on to the memories of him and I together, his kisses, his touch and the way that he whispered beautiful verses in my ear.
With every day that goes by his image fades more and more and it will soon disappear. 

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Catch me, catch me, I'm falling... I'm falling in love with you.

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Another chance

I stumble and I fall, the same rock from years ago.
It seems I haven't learnt a thing,
it seems I'm still that stupid girl I used to be.

But it's wrong and I have changed
this is a new me, tables have been turned
I got to make the most of this,
my second chance with you.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I can't follow that same line of work no, not today.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

It don't mean a thing

"When saxes flare up, how can I keep my hair up?
Hit me with a hot note and watch me bounce"

It's Swing and it's a passion, it means living in another color and breathing the air of gayness and joy. I just want to have fun and get a man to sway me around.
This is about living with no worries and dancing our way to the top, I can turn into what I want with my dancing shoes on, just play the right tune and I will razzle-dazzle you.
Grab your partners, I've come to crash this party.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I'll always think of you that way.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011


Force me into it and never let me go,
tell me things are not the way I see them
and that I can't prove you wrong.

I'm just looking for a way out,
a hobby, somebody to touch,
and maybe some inspiration to write another song.

You know winter's coming up
and I don't want to be alone,
baby, give me a tad of happiness,
just a reason to keep on.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
How can I feel that it's over when it never really began.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Tribute to WS

I'm one to wear my heart upon my sleeve
at all times showing around my Achilles' heel.

Lately we've been biting bullets, such a sorry sight
but you know two star-crossed lovers
can't make the beast with two backs.

Ever since I met you I've been living a fool's paradise
now I see life's not beer and skittles
and soon truth will out
soon you will laugh yourself into stitches
at the expense of a broken heart.

Such stony-hearted lover my eyes have never seen
you had me crying in corners, not being able to sleep a wink,
before you I used to bear a charmed life and now
all I have are memories and moments I wish I could take back.

But I do not mean to sound worrisome
and I will have my revenge before you could say Jack Robinson.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Would WS be proud of my use of his metaphors?

Lucy in Wonderland

I used to know this girl called Lucy.
She liked to think that the song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" had been written for her, that is was her song. But she never actually met any of the members of The Beatles.
Little did she know, the song was about LSD. To quote my good friend Morrisey, I'm guessing she never even knew what drugs were.
Most people go through life ignoring most of the things that are going on around them. And I don't mean ignoring as neglecting, they just don't understand anything. They refuse to learn so they create a parallel world with its own meanings and symbols, and just live according to that, putting aside the real value of their surroundings.
That's how we get to the situation of people like Lucy. I don't want to be like her. My guess is none of us do. But it's hard, isn't it? To find the time and the energy to get more involved in whatever it is that's happening next to us.
Open up the windows and turn off the TV. Talk to a neighbor, water some plants, go to the supermarket, buy a newspaper.
It's more than OK to create inside your own mind, and it's understandable if you do so to escape from your every day reality, but sometimes escaping means something more, means unhappiness, means pain, restricted thoughts, emotions we're not letting out.
Want to know what would happen if you tell Lucy the song wasn't about her? She would deny it, and then cry. And hate you, forever. Because she doesn't want to see the difference between her dreams and reality.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Cuando nada te consuele yo voy a tener un verso listo para vos.

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


I'm not ready for sincerity, I'd tell any lie
to keep you listen-listen-listen-listening.

I gave you pretentious, I gave you indifference
but you only want undressed and defenseless.
With all your cheap words about hearts and accidents
who are YOU kidding?

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I couldn't bring myself to call, except to call it quits.


I just don't understand why everything has to fade away so fast. Last night it was all laughs and kisses in your arms making wishes upon stars, breaking promises and trying to recreate the past. And here I lie now, helplessly attempting to figure out what is it exactly that makes this so hard.

It isn't love and it isn't hatred, it ain't but the feeling of being on top of the world. I'm ready to burst at the seams, this is simply enough, one moment together and no other experience can keep up with what you've done.

There is no explanation, it is useless to look for a reason why, I'm just in love with the way it all started years ago, and how everything's become so lovely and so hard to give up on.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Never means forever.


Does it work, is it happening?
And if it isn't what can I do to change it?
I don't know if I want this,
I can't even remember your name now,
but this is a sport I'm playing
and I won't give up on the game,
please let me go all the way.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I don't even care.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Use me

"Oh! The mess we've made is ridiculous.
The whole wide world's a stage of complete chaos.

And it gets so funny that we get confused

We don't know where yo go 'cause we've all been used."

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I like to play.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011


Ann's voice as a constant background sound and a few trumpets and saxes. Saturday night, darkness rules the sky and my bedroom's as empty as my life.
I stare at the guitar and something pops up in my mind: I remember those days when I didn't have time to think about thinking, to relive the past and prevent the future from going all wrong straight in my face.
I know I'm too ambitious, I can see that know. I know I'm not even half as perfect as I thought I was, and even though it hurts to say it out loud, I'm not the person I wish I was.
But then again, who is? But then again, why do I care about them?
A vicious circle, a virtuous hell, I look at myself in the mirror and I cry. What's terrible isn't the situation, it's the alarmingly high probability of it lasting too long for me to stand. And I just can't fight that, I can't fight against my mind.

Mademoiselle Juliettè
Who am I to say the situation isn't great, when it's my job to make the most of it. Of course I didn't know that it would happen to me. Not that easy...

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011


Tanto miedo, tanta anticipación y no sos más que un cachorro abandonado.
No sé para qué me complico, si siempre termina siendo más fácil de lo que me había imaginado.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
That adds absolutely nothing but I needed to get it off my chest.

De culpas

Vos sos el que se tendría que disculpar pero si me siento a esperar por eso podría pasarme toda la vida sin volver a estar de pie.
Nadie me dijo que confie, nadie me aconsejó dejarme llevar. Fue una desición que tomé yo sola y no me arrepiento, porque me hace quien soy hoy.
Alguien a quien no podés decirle qué hacer, qué sentir ni cuándo hacerlo. Alguien que desarrolló cierta inmunidad a tus brutos encantos, alguien que ya no te siente pero te piensa y mira con melancolía las horas pasadas.
Horas en las que pensaba en vos, sin saber o sin querer ver las grandes posibilidades de choque de las ilusiones con que cargábamos los dos.
No soy lo que buscás, no sé bien qué buscás- No sos lo que necesito sé muy bien que estaba buscando en el lugar equivocado.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Maybe nobody loved you when you were young.


Cuando no me puedo esconder -cibernéticamente- en Facebook o Twitter vengo acá. Así que no me invadan este espacio por favor.
Es complicado, estoy enferma, estoy en cama y mucho más que hasta acá no puedo correr.
Es una noche horrible. Bipolar, fluctuante. Una noche que no sabe si ser ocaso o amanecer. Que arrastra a mis orillas enojos, vergüenzas, miedos... pero principalmente enormes y punzantes ganas de esconderme bajo muchas, muchas frazadas.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
This is the most real, honest, artistic thing I've written in a while. At least one of us is having a good night.

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

You love, you lose.

You said you wouldn't, or at least that's what I wanted to listen.
I've got nobody else to lay the blame on but myself,
because I should have known better and in the end I just didn't.

Why is it so hard for you to feel something? What is it that's left you so numb?
Do you really have no feelings or is it just a facade you're trying to put up?
Whatever the matter I cannot keep on.
Something has to change for me to start again and I know it won't be you.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Young pranks piss me off.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Stay helpless

I'm in love with the way you behave,
the things you say, how you act.
I shouldn't be thinking about you,
that's a forbidden, unthinkable sin,
one that'd make me sigh and smile even in my dreams.

But I can't and I won't stop this,
it's you who I want so why hide it?
You know who I am, you know where to find me
and I'll wait forever,
unless somebody else finds me.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
It's like everybody is jumping off the bridge and you don't wanna be the one standing on dry land.

Condenada a quererte pero no para siempre

Balbuceo algunos versos que pretenden ser música
Me siento a escribir y me siento vacía
No puedo tomar de este amor lo que necesito para descargar mi pasión
Porque al fin y al cabo, ¿qué sabés de eso vos?, ¿qué sé yo de vos?
Y me vuelvo a replantear en donde estoy, estamos en ese estado de transición
Del que se sale casi siempre, se sale si se tiene suerte.
No quiero quedarme pegada a lo que tenemos hoy,
Hay tantas cosas que me gustaría hacer con vos
Pero esto recién empieza, y ya esta por terminar,
creo que todo lo que planeé para nosotros
Me lo voy a tener que guardar...

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I should bite my tongue.

I can can-can

Collecting inspiration from one night stands
putting to paper the bruises and scratches I've made with my hands,
I dance along the corridors, in every corner of your mind,
even when I'm gone I've got everybody thinking about my love.

I made up my mind and I don't need you or your touch,
I can smell my own perfume, I can even kiss my own lips,
I can fit into my imagination whatever lies you wanna spit,
and it all comes home to lie in bed with me.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
The salad days are over and meat is at my door.


Te propongo que te olvides de todo lo que pensas, que vengas un rato conmigo y que todo lo que te preocupa lo dejes atrás. Olvidate de ella y yo me olvido de ellos, no pienses en culpas ni en resentimientos, dejame que te muestre mi manera de hacer las cosas, dejame que te enseñe como se divierten en el cosmos.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
The "I'm too white to sing the blues" blues.

Drawing a blank

Si pudiera escribiría por siempre
mares de tinta corriendo por mis venas
sueños ilustrados y palabras a la luz de las velas.

Mi cielo corrugado, mi ilusión incompleta
miro al papel en blanco y ya estoy en otro planeta
porque escritos los sentimientos no se van con la marea.

Y muchos me dan por perdida pero yo no los escucho
ya no estoy acá, estoy ya perdida
búsquenme entre las páginas del libro que escondo a los pies de mi cama.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
She says she has no time.


When I’m home alone at night I start to wonder
How would it be with you, what do you like?
And would you walk me home, hand in hand,
or would you put me in a cab
after I’ve filled that void inside your mind?

Expectations never matched reality
but we’re both very far from fine.
Damaged kid, it’s your turn to sleep alone tonight
and how long before you break that lonely string?
I’m smarter than that, it won’t be me.

Hello stranger, gorgeous pad, are we really this desperate?
And even though you’re someone I used to know,
I’m somebody you will never see again.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Something has been turned on inside of me.

Cada vez menos

De chica supe que eso no me gustaba
pero lo que encontré del otro lado tampoco me convenció.
Desde entonces nado en un mar de caras
tsunami de nombres que nunca voy a escuchar
náufraga en la tinta que derramaste escribiendo "nunca más".

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Not all is lost.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Smoke and Mirrors

Yo solía sonreír, solía tener una vida.
Supe reir y llorar, supe reir hasta llorar. Supe mirar al futuro con ojos esperanzados, ojos que hoy siento que fueron arrancados.
Vivo atrapada en un mal sueño, esto no puede ser así. Nada cambió y sin embargo todo es diferente. Son otros los actores, son otros los personajes, pero huelen a lo mismo y tienen el sabor de ayer.
Quiero crecer, no me quiero quedar. Me quiero ir, quiero intentar. Quiero equivocarme y volver a empezar pero quiero vivir no regresar cada vez más atrás.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I'll be your #1 with a bullet.

Golden Years

Enjoy your golden years, don't let time pass by,
forget about those tears and jump in, we're gonna paint the town.
I don't get it, why are you so white?
Why are your knees shaking and your lips dry?
Why are you suddenly breathing faster with your eyes wide open?

I just don't understand you, so you must be damaged.

Mademoiselle Juliettè.
I don't want a happy ending, I wan happy all the way.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011


It is that time of the year again and here I come baby, here I come.
I'm all charged and ready to go, got my weapons got my guns and I'm not afraid to open fire. You should not mess with me now, you shouldn't really trash me, try to stay away from me 'cause I don't mind being unkind, I don't care what you think of me.
I'm all ready to ignore you and minimize your image, no sticks no stones, not even names, no way for you to hurt me I'm so beyond, I fly above, throughout these years I learnt to do the things that surprise you and leave you in awe.
Fill yourself with patience and leave all problems at the door I wanna hear no complaints, no insults no hatred whatsoever.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
My mistakes will make me strong.

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Being from Jersey means...

I'm tired of being the poor cliché misunderstood.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
These are your good years.

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

Role Model

A otro ritmo, en mi cabeza las cosas funcionan a otro ritmo.
Te molesta, eso lo sé, porque no podés predecir qué pienso, qué siento
y eso algún dia te va a terminar por enloquecer.

Pero mientras tanto yo aprovecho y me alimento de tus quejas y tus desconciertos
me río de la duda que se refleja en tus grandes ojos negros,
te uso como ejemplo de lo que no quiero ser, te compadezco, te olvido, te agradezco.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I don't have to care, and that's the beauty of it all.

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Update III

Dear soul,
Sorry to have been absent for so long, I guess I got carried away by the rhythm of the Sun and the color of the stars. I can promise it will not happen again, you know I am no good at keeping promises.
I have missed you, that is for sure, and at some point your behavior could have been understandable given the circumstances but this thing that you are doing is downright scandalous. 
Please forgive me, please stop being so impulsive. I get the message now go do your part, before I start hating you completely and cut your whims with that knife called tragedy.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I can see the hunger of compulsion in your face.

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Desperately Seeking Something

Buscando una voz, desesperadamente buscando
no sé más que hacer, a quien mirar a quien culpar
porque perdí algo tan preciado, algo que nunca tuve
y ahora siento que no valgo, si no tengo eso que me arrebataron.

Entre un pasillo y otro me explicaron que no estaba bien
que era diferente y nadie debía ser así,
me obligaron a dejarlo y sentir vergüenza de quien era
me despojaron de mi alegría y hoy soy una muñeca sin cabeza.

Quiero que vuelvan de rodillas y me devuelvan mi don, mi amo.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
We might as well be strangers, for all I know of you now.


Ni una letra, ni una palabra
pensar en vos me hacer sentir cosas impensadas
me quedo sin habla y en mi mente no se concreta
                                            absolutamente nada.

Me intimida tu mirada, allí, desde un estante,
me intimidan tantos logros y reconocimientos
esa pulcritud ensayada y tus grandes ojos negros.

Es injusto, incorregible, doloroso e intangible
tanto esfuerzo para nada, tanta pasión malgastada
Decime, ¿es en vano que me desangro?

O mejor, no me digas nada.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Of all the gin joints in all the world.

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011


Me gustaría no saber como se siente tener miedo. Puedo sentir muchas objeciones respecto de ese deseo, el problema es que nadie sabe lo que es sufrir como yo sufro, vivir como yo vivo. Si le puedo decir vivir, meramente estoy sobreviviendo, duele admitirlo pero mas duele seguir respirando sin sacarme esto de adentro.
El miedo y la certeza. ¿Es miedo o es certeza? Se vuelve un poco confuso cuando no alcanza el espacio en mi cabeza. Todo da vueltas sin embargo está más que claro: lo que me pasa no es normal, lo que pasa es que algo me está pasando.
Y es que dicen que es normal, mas yo ya no les creo, ¿cómo se puede esperar de mi que me acostumbre al infierno? Es subestimar mis ganas de ser feliz y minimizar mis alegrías hasta que dejen de existir.
No se puede, no es así, tiene que haber algo más allí afuera para mí.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I'm trying.

lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

Bucket List

HIGH time I made a bucket list for this year.

*I want a new attitude and with that comes a new routine. Or maybe, no routine. What I want is to let myself loose and just go along with life, without worrying about whether things might or might not work.
*From last year comes this one but I REALLY want a boyfriend. Not just a guy to do once a week, a real, straight, eating walking boyfriend. Yeah.
*It'd be nice to finish something once in a while. Poem's are easy, short and they seem to come out of me kinda effortlessly. I don't want that, I want something longer, something amazing, I want to create great things.
*Having already acknowledge I have problems I want to overcome them. I don't really care about anything else I just wanna feel OK.
*I'm gonna learn how to cook. I know, I know, me, knives and boiling stuff just not the best idea but I really think something good could come out of it. So, Chef Mademoiselle Juliettè. Or something.
*No, I did not pass the CAE so, this year, I'm gonna learn how to cope with my very own educational disappointments or failures.
*I'm gonna lose 7 pounds. Haven't done ANY research whatsoever so I don't know for sure how much that is but sounds like a nice in between 5 (too little) and 10 (too much). I'm lovely aren't I?
*I'm gonna read, at least, AT LEAST 25 books. Not just short stories but actual, real, big books. I obviously have no idea of how much I'm gonna have to read when I start college but we'll see. Sounds like a rational amount of book I guess...
*I should at least TRY to come to terms with the idea that death is a part of life, and that I shouldn't be so obsessed over it. Stop death.

I know it might seem like I'm facing this year with a bit of a rude attitude but it's not that, it's just that I'm sick and tired of "trying" I just wanna accomplish.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,

Back to Black

Otra lágrima derramada sobre mi alfombra y me pregunto si faltará mucho más.
Otra noche ámbar en confusión y adormecimiento, no siento nada, no veo nada, no entiendo.
Comienza con un miedo muy pequeño y evoluciona, se convierte en un pánico que envuelve.
Miro hacia arriba y no hay nada, no hay nada que me diga que todavía sigo viva.

Toda razón, cualquiera que sea, viene bien porque esto es ilógico e irracional.
Me canso de ignorar, de olvidar, de perdonar, de actuar todos los días como si nada estuviese mal.
Es inhumano pretender que alguien conviva con este tipo de miedos, de sensaciones.
Duele sacar a relucir tanto como ocultar, duele cada marca que realiza este puñal.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Come on baby, won't you bleed like me.