
You might find these a bit hard to cope with. Easy there.
For all intents and purposes, I'm PG-16.
Intake is recommended in small doses to prevent nausea and an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Disturbed and interrupted

I know I'm not right and I even know things are OK.
But in my mind, deep down in my heart, I can feel something's not quite fine.
I can see it, I can almost touch it, but you would never believe it.
I can't convince you, you see, I can't fight against your uncommon nonsense.
No I can't, no I can't.
And so I come and go, cling onto stupid trains of thought,
then I jump off, and get on them again.
I see no limit to this delirium, I see no way to stop.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I had a really bad dream, it lasted 20 years, 7 months and 27 days, and I'm all alone and I never had no one, ever.

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