
You might find these a bit hard to cope with. Easy there.
For all intents and purposes, I'm PG-16.
Intake is recommended in small doses to prevent nausea and an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Introducing, Somebody

Hoy lloré- pero lloré de risa.
Y después me puse a pensar en mi realidad.
Por qué estoy sola? No soy TAN fea, definitivamente estoy loca pero, quien no? estoy bastante enferma pero nada que las pastillas o la terapia no puedan curar.
Soy inteligente, soy graciosa, se bailar, se cantar, hablo inglés con un acento británico muy muy lindo, cuido mis modos cuando es necesario y me se soltar si es el momento debido. Me visto bien y escucho música respetable. Soy atea pero tengo valores.
Pero lo más importante: puedo tener muchas cosas buenas pero también estoy llena de defectos y los sé reconocer.
Soy tremendamente obsesiva, nerviosa y compulsiva. Tengo tics (algunos muy graciosos parece ser), tengo alergias, tengo las puntas florecidas, no me gusta que me toquen el pelo, no se mentir, me pongo colorada por cualquier cosa, soy miope, no me gusta que me digan lo que tengo que hacer, tengo problemas con la autoridad, tengo delirios de grandeza, nunca en mi vida me castigaron, amo leer y escribir, no me gusta reconocer que tengo virtudes, me da miedo hablar del espacio exterior, me encantaría ser profesora, dejaría mi vida por un par de Loboutins y un Oscar de la Renta, amo tomar té, odio la gente que toma mate, me parece que el mate es bebida de gaucho, odio a los gauchos, odio la figura del caudillo y que siga existiendo, odio a la gente ignorante, odio las excusas, odio a Lady GaGa, me parece que Jack Handey tiene la posta de la vida, no soy nada sin mi celular, amo comer, tengo una debilidad por los rubios y los altos, me gustan los hombres mas grandes, si vienen Colin Firth, Ben Affleck, Paul Rudd, Hugh Grant, Gabe Saporta o Patrick Stump no lo pienso dos veces, amo a Cortázar y no tolero a Borges, si hablamos de hombres Shakespeare y Elvis cambiaron mi vida.
Todavía no se quien soy, y tampoco sé si creo en el amor.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,

Hurt each other

We've been invaded by April's freezing breeze once again, I can feel it ripping out my veins, taking the warmth away, explaining me with whispers how life is going to change.
And it's in moments like this when we glance, frown and stare at the surrounding present, it's now when tears come down and we slowly realize time's passed by.
So sorry, it's over, the breeze said. So long to the Sun, we're back in cloudy hell. 

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Which reminds me, I gotta get a boyfriend. Those interested in the spot please apply for it with a comment below. It's urgent, thank you.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010


My speech to the martians, by Jack Handey.

People of Mars, you say we are brutes and savages. But let me tell you one thing: if I could get loose from this cage you have me in, I would tear you guys a new Martian asshole.You say we are violent and barbaric, but has any one of you come up to my cage and extended his hand? Because, if he did, I would jerk it off and eat it right in front of him. “Mmm, that’s good Martian,” I would say.
You say your civilization is more advanced than ours. But who is really the more “civilized” one? You, standing there watching this cage? Or me, with my pants down, trying to urinate on you? You criticize our Earth religions, saying they have no relevance to the way we actually live. But think about this: if I could get my hands on that god of yours, I would grab his skinny neck and choke him until his big green head exploded.
We are a warlike species, you claim, and you show me films of Earth battles to prove it. But I have seen all the films about twenty times. Get some new films, or, so help me, if I ever get out of here I will empty my laser pistol into everyone I see, even pets.
Speaking of films, I could show you some films, films that portray a different, gentler side of Earth. And while you’re watching the films I’d sort of slip away, because guess what: the projector is actually a thing that shoots out spinning blades! And you fell for it! Well, maybe not now you wouldn’t.
You point to your long tradition of living peacefully with Earth. But you know what I point to? Your stupid heads.
You say there is much your civilization could teach ours. But perhaps there is something that I could teach you—namely, how to scream like a parrot when I put your big Martian head in a vise.
You claim there are other intelligent beings in the galaxy besides earthlings and Martians. Good, then we can attack them together. And after we’re through attacking them we’ll attack you.
I came here in peace, seeking gold and slaves. But you have treated me like an intruder. Maybe it is not me who is the intruder but you.
No, not me. You, stupid.
You keep my body imprisoned in this cage. But I am able to transport my mind to a place far away, a happier place, where I use Martian heads for batting practice.
I admit that sometimes I think we are not so different after all. When you see one of your old ones trip and fall down, do you not point and laugh, just as we on Earth do? And I think we can agree that nothing is more admired by the people of Earth and Mars alike than a fine, high-quality cigarette. For fun, we humans like to ski down mountains covered with snow; you like to“milk” bacteria off of scum hills and pack them into your gill slits. Are we so different? Of course we are, and you will be even more different if I ever finish my homemade flamethrower.
You may kill me, either on purpose or by not making sure that all the surfaces in my cage are safe to lick. But you can’t kill an idea. And that idea is: me chasing you with a big wooden mallet.
You say you will release me only if I sign a statement saying that I will not attack you. And I have agreed, the only condition being that I can sign with a long sharp pen. And still you keep me locked up.
True, you have allowed me reading material—not the “human reproduction” magazines I requested but the works of your greatest philosopher, Zandor or Zanax or whatever his name is. I would like to discuss his ideas with him—just me, him, and one of his big, heavy books.
If you will not free me, at least deliver a message to Earth. Send my love to my wife, and also to my girlfriend. And to my children, if I have any anyplace. Ask my wife to please send me a bazooka, which is a flower we have on Earth. If my so-called friend Don asks you where the money I owe him is, please anally probe him. Do that anyway.
If you keep me imprisoned long enough, eventually I will die. Because one thing you Martians do not understand is that we humans cannot live without our freedom. So, if you see me lying lifeless in my cage, come on in, because I’m dead. Really.
Maybe one day we will not be the enemies you make us out to be. Perhaps one day a little Earth child will sit down to play with a little Martian child, or larva, or whatever they are. But, after a while, guess what happens: the little Martian tries to eat the Earth child. But guess what the Earth child has? A gun. You weren’t expecting that, were you? And now the Martian child is running away, as fast as he can. Run, little Martian baby, run!
I would like to thank everyone for coming to my cage tonight to hear my speech. Donations will be gratefully accepted. (No Mars money, please.) 

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Consider the daffodil...

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


The Smiths - Cemetry Gates

A dreaded sunny day
So I meet you at the cemetry gates
Keats and Yeats are on your side
A dreaded sunny day
So I meet you at the cemetry gates
Keats and Yeats are on your side
While Wilde is on mine

So we go inside and we gravely read the stones
All those people, all those lives
Where are they now ?
With loves, and hates
And passions just like mine
They were born
And then they lived
And then they died
It seems so unfair
I want to cry

You say: "'Ere thrice the sun done salutation to the dawn"
And you claim these words as your own
But I've read well, and I've heard them said
A hundred times, maybe less, maybe more
If you must write prose/poems
The words you use should be your own
Don't plagiarise or take "on loan"
'Cause there's always someone, somewhere
With a big nose, who knows
And who trips you up and laughs
When you fall
Who'll trip you up and laugh
When you fall

You say : "'Ere long done do does did"
Words which could only be your own
And then produce the text
From whence was ripped
(Some dizzy whore, 1804)

A dreaded sunny day
So let's go where we're happy
And I meet you at the cemetry gates
Oh, Keats and Yeats are on your side
A dreaded sunny day
So let's go where we're wanted
And I meet you at the cemetry gates
Keats and Yeats are on your side
But you lose
'Cause weird lover Wilde is on mine


Mademoiselle Juliettè,

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Some girls are bigger than others

Denunciame te estoy robando.
Cada vez que me mirás te robo.
Cada vez que respirás te robo.
Te robo cada vez que sonreís y cuando caminás también te robo.
Me quedo con el brillo de tu risa  y con algún que otro impulso nervioso.
A mi dejame el aire que exalás, dejame la inspiración y te la robo.
Te estoy sacando todo lo que puedo por si algún día no te vuelvo a ver más.
Tengo el privilegio de poder con sólo un suspiro robarte una risa intranquila.
Cuando estás te saco tu presencia y de tu ausencia me alimento también.
Yo acumulo y guardo y en algún momento voy a tener tanto de vos para hacerte un monumento.
Oculto, en lo oscuro de mi habitación, donde nadie te vea te voy a esconder.
Con un poco de tu aroma voy a embeber mis sábanas, y dejar quue el diablo me lleve, indecente, corrompida, ya agotada.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,

You're full of shit.

Ya no se como decirlo o si es correcto decirlo siquiera, porque te podría traer más problemas de los que yo quisiera. Pero es que no se si es un producto de mi imaginación o si realmente sos vos, si soy yo que no entiendo o sos vos que no querés entender, si soy yo la ingenua o vos el manipulador. Al día de hoy (hacé las cuentas) no veo un porque mas que el aburrimiento por parte de los dos, pero me preocupa saber que si tuviera la posibilidad de alejarme te seguiría eligiendo, que en momentos de debilidad me agarro de vos como excusa para seguir viviendo.
Y es horrible porque vivo de un sueño. O no, decime vos.

Let loose

Does it make you feel risky? Because it's making me feel dizzy
not that it matters to you but the room's spinning too quickly
and I'm worried because it's not only you and me
I'm worried that we might cross the line with everyone here.

I've warned you and I've tried, believe me I tried hard
to stay away and repel your touch
and you didn't care you kept on going with your games
there's too much to lose and I don't know how you don't see that.

Can't you feel the weight of the guilt over your shoulders
all over your face and all over my horrors?
I fear you fear nothing and I'm looking like a fool
standing here waiting for something you'd never ever do.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

Es lo que sale

Hard to say if I need you when
all I do is think about than, and
I close my eyes and I see you
don't know what I'm going to do
I feel so lost without your hand over my shoulder.

Not that I need you to survive
just that I like having you around
I enjoy your eyes enjoy your breath
fills me with joy just to see you walk
up on the front were all  my fantasies come true.

Mademoiselle Julietté,
We must have the best coast, tell the best jokes, we must make it hard to look so easy doing something so hard.


Hay algunos de ustedes ahí afuera que son tan falsos. Y capaz que ni siquiera se dan cuenta.
Contrariamente a lo que diría cualquiera, es peor que te salga automaticamente a que lo hagas a propósito: "Lo hice sin querer". Sin querer te cagué, sin querer te mentí, sin querer me importaste un carajo, lo que pasa es que soy tan forro que no me doy cuenta de lo que hago, me sale, soy así. Fuck off.

No se a quien creen que engañan pero ¿saben qué? Me tienen hasta las pelotas, de creerse mejores porque cagan a los demás y después les ponen una sonrisita mientras los insultan entre dientes.
Y lo que peor me pone es que es verdad, ustedes llegan más lejos que yo porque no tienen escrúpulos, no tienen códigos, no tienen límites.
Yo me considero una persona capaz y sacrifico mucho por lo que hago y por lo que amo, pero ser como ustedes nunca.

Quizás sea parte de mi personalidad, y sea yo la equivocada, pero es que todo lo que hacen me parece tan rudimentario, tan fuera de lugar.
No me molesten más, por favor, si sos falso no me vengas a hablar. Y si lo vas a hacer hacelo bien, que los demás no se den cuenta de que en realidad no los querés, ¡a ver si todavía alguien escribe sobre vos en un blog y después escracha tu nombre abajo!

Igual si alguien hace eso lo etiquetamos de idiota, de envidioso o de falso. Y listo.

Mademoiselle Julietté,

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010


Qué pasa con los hombres que no aparecen? Qué pasa señora? Si usted, la que tiene un hijo en casa que no se sabe ni lavar el calzón y no tiene novia: Dejelo ir al nene.
Nosotras las mujeres necesitamos hombres que nos diviertan, nos lleven la cartera cuando se nos pega algo en el zapato y nos avisen si se nos corrió el delineador (porque, evidentemente, en la caza la práctica habitual es que las mujeres estemos todas horrorosas y ninguna le diga nada a la otra: todos son potenciales candidatos o potenciales competencias).
Enséñele al nene a tratar a las mujeres bien. Y también a los hombres, salvo que nos hayan tratado mal a nosotras. Nada mas sexy que ver a un hombre luchar por nosotras. Capaz que sí, cocinar. Eso también, ahí estaba llegando: que cocine lave y planche porfa porfa porfa.
No me voy a poner a tratar el tema de la devaluación de la mujer y de que se espera que estemos metidas en la cocina y después en la habitación porque es super cliché, usado, gastado, pero saben a lo que me refiero.
Donde estan loss hombres me pregunto yo...
Alguien me contesta?

Mademoiselle Julietté,
I'm the hero of the story, don't need to be saved.