
You might find these a bit hard to cope with. Easy there.
For all intents and purposes, I'm PG-16.
Intake is recommended in small doses to prevent nausea and an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Commonplace Common Place

How am I here again after vowing I'd never return
To the land of never knowing what I should or shouldn't say.

I catch myself before I whisper that I want you to know I care
I bite my tongue and swallow the blood, and so swallow the pain.

I tell myself it's okay, I've been here before, I'll get over it in no time
But I'd really like to know if I can fall for you and open up

Please tell me I'm not wasting my time.


domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

Fuck you.

If you see me here it's only because you made me
I never meant to come back, not like this at least
but there's so much hurt so much to talk about
and you just close the door and shut the windows
pretend it's all said all done nothing left to be discussed.

Force me out of here and still I will not go
because what I'm looking for are answers
because you have made a fool of me

Fuck words. Fuck you.

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015

What happened to that dream?

For reasons I will never fully grasp I've let others come between me and my true path. What I've done these years does not define me yet this does.
I am words, I am pale fingers and bloodshot eyes. I am the things that I love and I am that pen I've left behind.
It hurts to know I've failed even though people say there's always time: I haven't been good to myself and that is not something one forgets about.
I guess it is not enough to say that you are something, you have to do it to make it come true. So this is me doing what I've always wanted to do.
Because there is nothing I would love more than to touch you with this whisper.


martes, 5 de marzo de 2013


All smiles and no games. A clean slate, a blank page and a million colors to paint it with.
Love, again. Love, but in a different way. I can finally be myself without worrying it may be too much, it may not be enough.
A heavy heart that travelled for uncountable miles now finds peace, a home, a peaceful sky and a new start.
So many things have changed but, in a way, it's like everything has finally fallen into place.


miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Of Paths and Complaints

Now I see just how vain I've been, complaining about how I was losing my words with the most beautiful words I could find.
I despise my former self for being so stupid, so blindly bold and boldly blind. Today I may have lost my words, but at least I've found truth.
I stop and write, stop and think, stop and ask myself whether I should have taken the words before honesty. One's greater, the other one's more decent.
If I search deep inside I think, no, I know... all I've ever wanted was greatness.
Maybe after all I did take a wrong turn. Maybe later down the road I'll get another chance.



Just like one day I woke up and you were gone, one day I woke up and the girl who loved you wasn't me anymore. I thought the moment would never come, and that I would always be as blue as the flag you wave at nobody's face.

But now I'm new, I'm clean, I get to start again, I get to choose. And believe that, if I had the chance, I wouldn't choose you in a hundred years. Because you lie, you deceive, you hurt and you're cruel.

Even though there's nothing inside me that wants you back, I still can't shake off the feeling of hatred. After all, nobody had ever been that mean to me. After all, I loved a lie. After all, I guess it's fair to say there's nothing to say but goodbye.


Thoughts in my head

I think this is the innocent me. No. Innocence is something I've lost long ago. This is the stupid me. If there is such a thing. I just don't thing I'm capable of... whatever.
Soooooooooo you wrote about meeeee. You wrote about me, didn't you? And you laughed at me all the while, didn't you? And I bet you're going to write about how you didn't write about me but actually did. Because that's what you do, yes, I know you, and you've done it before.
You probably think this is funny. And you know what? I think you followed me that night. There's no way you could've ended up there. I have friends, don't try to convince me of things that aren't true.
When we talk you never talk about it. It's sad. And a bit pathetic. I mean, a grown man who can't own up to his actions/words/published words? Are you playing a game? I think you would like to be young again. There comes a point in the life of a middle aged man when he regrets everything he did and wishes he had done things differently. This is you, doing what you shouldn't.

And I can't say I'm not enjoying it.


martes, 15 de enero de 2013

F You

I'll smoke whatever this guys roll.
Because that's who I am today and if you don't like it you can look the other way.
Close your eyes and sell your soul, let your sins hang on the dancefloor
we're high and dry, we're wet and all smiles.
Fuck you. I don't know where I am anymore.
Fuck you. I hope someone you love dies.
Fuck you. It's your own fault this is the only shit I can write.


lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012


Ese seudo poder y la sensación de importancia pueden llamar la atención, pero nunca perduran.
Quisiste subirte a un tren para llegar a un lugar. Nunca llegaste y no te pensás bajar, y a la larga se vuelve triste. Triste que sigas usando las mismas excusas, las mismas credenciales, los mismos nombres, las mismas respuestas. Es triste que creas que sos lo que él era.
No se hereda la convicción, no se hereda el sentido común, la humildad, la inteligencia. Pero eso vos nunca lo vas a entender.


miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

I was wrong

For you I was a groupie, I was a brainwashed doll, a 50s housewife
I left my  family, my friends, running after your meaningless ideals
and now I regret every second, now I see just how wrong I’ve been.

Even as I kissed you and told you that I loved you, I knew
in the back of my mind, I can do better than someone like you
I can do better than crying myself to sleep and living blue.

I should have never revisited the idea of you, I shouldn’t have fallen again
because where was once a giggle and a memory now there’s a broken heart
and where there was hope there’s now disaster, and a girl who cries for help
is there anybody out there who can save her from herself?



Duele y no sé que hacer, duele y esta vez no te quiero llamar
todo lo que sos no lo necesito, pero no puedo despegarme de vos
y te pienso, te siento, te recuerdo, sueño que te toco y que te tengo
te veo aunque no estás, te quiero aunque vos nunca me quisiste de verdad.

Desperdicio lo poco que tengo, lo poco que soy en buscarte a vos
vos que no merecés ni un cuarto de lo que te puedo dar
porque quise darte todo y tu mejor respuesta fue hacerme llorar
y decirme que es mi culpa amar tanto a alguien que no sabe amar.
Nunca me habían odiado así, nunca me habían tratado tan mal              
y si algo aprendí de todo este horror es a no dejarme pisar
nunca fuiste suficiente, todo lo bueno de vos lo invento mi imaginación.


I don't even remember your face

Your hand left a mark on my shoulder
there are mascara stains on your pillow case
our paths crossed once and that won’t be easy to erase.

I can still hear you call my name, all alone at your place
wine and cheese, videogames and TV
a life of things that only mean something to you and me.

I wore your t-shirts and your pants,           
we shared sheets, kisses, coffee, schemes
and now I’m left to mourn what you threw away.

Every day the same routine, you play hard to get
while I cry, beg and make a fool of myself
because you only like it when I bleed
because I only like it if you stay, and this time you didn’t. This time you ran away.


jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Futures like Chicago

I miss you and it hurts like hell. I miss you and my eyes bleed from the cliché. I miss you and it's all so dramatic that it turns pathetic if you listen closer.

I could say that I just cannot breathe, that living is not living without you, but in a few weeks I'll forget your face and these words would be vain, so what exactly can I say?

My sanity is taking my psyche's right to be in pain, and I'm left with this numbness I can't begin to explain. Who are you? Where am I?

Loving you I was sad, impotent, defenceless, but living without you is a 24/7 out of body experience. I'm sick. I'm tired. I'm bored. I want to move on already.

Why can't I? Watch me. Let me.


Racing again

Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined myself here, wondering how you're doing, writing an ode to your green eyes and the memories of what we never really had.

I went back to the thought of you by walking down the wrong path for a while. Now I just like walking past your front door and imagining just how much more extreme it would be with you.

I will never understand what happened, I hope I can hear the truth from you. Back then I felt so used, but after so many years that's a feeling I've got accustomed to.

Whatever happens, I've learned my lesson. I can play with you for a while, though, just like when we were twelve and red was our favorite color.


miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Blue, out of the blue

Oh I lied, yes, of course I did.
I thought I had forgotten
I thought it had never happened
but the truth is, some things you can't erase.

So one chord and I'm there again
blue, out of the blue, struggling to understand
I dream of being happy
and wake up without you here.


Losing it

I wish I could change this, but I can't. And it's happening again. But there's a limit to every heart and this is mine.
You're not even there, you have never been there. You only pretend to listen, pretend to understand and then walk away. Although this time you've walked a little further, and the distance I cannot bear.
I don't understand your words, your promises from past times. Why would someone say something they don't mean? It doesn't make sense to me.
I have never been misleading, I have never ever lied because I can't. And as a prize I get to cry my foolishness away.
Nothing... works. I used to believe in things and now, now my thoughts are a far cry from reality and this is a world I don't know how to live in.
You came in, changed the game, wrote your own rules and made me play. You took the money and ran away, so pathetically unfair.
How am I supposed to trust again? When everything I used to love doesn't even exist.

And the sad part is, I still want you back.


viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

El único

Siempre vas a ser mi único amor de verdad, porque nunca te tuve, porque entre nosotros nunca nada va a pasar.
Y siempre vas a ser vos, puro, lejano, estéril, lienzo en blanco. Y siempre voy a ser yo, llena de colores que nunca vas a ver.
A veces te pienso, otras te siento, pero verte es lo que más me duele, porque en mi mente no existimos ambos en el mismo ambiente.
Un día respiraste mi aire, un día te deje mirarme. Nunca volvimos a ser lo mismo.


jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Another Broken Promise

I know I promised I'd never come back
but promises, as I know well, are made to be broken
because nothing lasts forever
because we're all going to end.

My fingers can travel and move back and forth
but the cliché I'm creating never ceases, never stops
and I feel sorry for myself, for my words
I feel very sorry for you and me both.


martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

Roba vidas

A costas de mi vida, de mis palabras, de mi libertad de expresión hiciste lo que era más conveniente para vos.
Y me dejaste en evidencia ante todos, solamente por haberte dicho que no.
No sé si llamarte vil, quizá un tanto egoista, por haber creído que volvería al primer golpe de vista.
Pero yo no soy más esa nena impresionable, mientras que vos seguís siendo el mismo roba vidas.


From another life

He asked what time it was and I said nine o cock
I thought it was quite funny but he didn't seem to get it
and the light was oh so sad, the little creatures of the night
make us feel so nasty, we just need a place to crash.

Can you see the moon from here, can you see the sun?
their forces cannot touch us as we break and fall apart
and I'm not one to sit around and cry
but do you see a solution? do you see a way out?

You touched my arm and I just laughed
dreams become reality
once, this seemed so far.


Lost and found

I knew this need, this urgency, this feeling would come back. I knew that I would find the words when I found something to word about.

It's been months. I've missed the smell of the paper and the way the blue ink shines everytime it catches the light. I've missed the clicking sound of the keyboard keys and the carpal-tunnel of art.

How do I explain to my muses everything that's changed and how it's changed? I lack the strength to go through it all over again, even when retelling it's way too much to bear.

I thought I was someone else for a while, until I found myself in this common place, once again. Now I understand I've been hiding from the person I always should have been.

There used to be, in my words, a taste of past times and long lost illusions. Now there's only future because I've found the joy in today, I'm home, I don't need to run anymore.


lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

New and improved

It can't be that hard, but seconds later my heart starts to race and I think about doing something else. But doing something else would mean giving up on this, for now, and then eventually, for ever.
And giving up on it for ever is something I always fantasized with, an idea I used to play with, knowing my brain would never let me put it into practice. Knowing it wasn't even possible for my system to go by without something like that.
Now,  however, it just seems so real, it's almost there, I can feel the taste of a life without it in the tip of my tongue. And it tastes bitter, and it's a life I don't want to live anymore.
So here I am, going against everything I know to find the person I know I am. I'm facing my biggest demons and my darkest secrets, I'm enduring the most terrible of pains just to get this off of my chest.
This doesn't mean that I'm back. I'm will never really be "back", mainly because I'm not who I used to be. But it does mean that I'm ready to rediscover what this gift is all about, and to face this part of myself.


lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

Buena suerte y hasta luego

Quiero decir tantas cosas sobre vos que termino suspirando en silencio.
Y es que tus ojos me dejan así, sin palabras, casi sin energía.
Me pregunto hasta donde es algo bueno y hasta donde es algo malo que esto que no es nada a mi me parezca tanto, pero si me sigo preguntando lo mismo sé que no voy a llegar a ningún lado.
Lo que necesito es de tu boca una confirmación, una palabra, una demostración.
No te quiero pedir nada mas quiero todo de vos, pero no me lo vas a dar y me parece que esto no es para mí.
El último beso ya fue, y lo que viste de mi fue todo lo que vas a ver. No tengo ganas de que me lastimen, no tengo ganas de llorar por alguien que no siente ni quiere dejarse caer.


Algo que no te pedi

Me diste algo que no te pedi. Sin avisarme, sin preguntarme, sin considerar mis deseos, sin medir consecuencias.
Lo que sabías, lo contaste. Y lo que no, lo adivinaste y lo contaste también. A oscuras lograste distinguir cada figura, cada sombra, y terminaste reproduciendo toda mi realidad.
Pero si así termina todo, entiendo que esa sea tu decisión. Y es difícil hacer frente a una decisión ya tomada.


Lowered expectations

We never talk about feelings.
You never tell me I look good, I don't know what you think of my hair or the way I move. You never said you like my style, my kisses, my legs, the music I listen to.
I don't know anything about what goes on in your mind every time we're together, or while we're apart.
Maybe you do not have an opinion, maybe it's all the same to you. Maybe I'm not half as important as I want to be for you. And that's the part that bothers me.
No, not you, me. Because I allowed myself to have expectations, and I shouldn't have.
Someone like me doesn't deserve to have expectations.


jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

El dilema

El dilema, la cuestión. Siempre lo mismo, este problema empieza y termina con vos.
Si escribo tu nombre y me inspiro en nosotros dos puedo decirle adiós a la idea de tu aprobación.
Y me duele el orgullo porque no quiero perder tu mirada y mucho menos tu admiración, pero tampoco puedo desnudarme así como así ante tus ojos, supongo que en el fondo me queda algo de pudor.
Me siento y pienso en otros, pero vuelvo a recordar tu voz. Cada vez te hacés más grande, en mi mente tu sombra opaca las voces ajenas y no hay nadie más, absorbés todo lo que soy.
Estoy en la mitad de un camino que no me lleva a ningún lado y ya esta oscuro para volver. Espero que me vengas a buscar pero no veo nada, acá no hay nadie, me volviste a abandonar.
Y quizás nunca te haya amado, quizás esto sea una obsesión, pero yo puedo escribir miles de hojas sobre el sonido de tu voz.

Mademoiselle Juliette.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

So we ended at the end

Si este es el adiós entonces ahí tenés la puerta
espero que te vaya mal y que te mueras pronto
espero que nunca encuentres la felicidad.

Si todo termina acá corré y no vuelvas
desde mi lugar te desearé lo peor
que te truene y que te llueva.

Porque alguien como vos no merece nada
y sin embargo tenés todo, que suerte despiadada
la única salida es empezar a creer en el karma.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I've got a wider knowledge of the world, I just can't take another argument about the rent.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

To new beginnings

Anger. Acute pain in my stomach and my eyes are red. My throat feels like closing and I cannot move my legs. This is the state your lies have left me in, this is the way I never wanted to feel.
There's no longer that passion, all I have left is this desire to stab you to the core, to make you suffer and to watch you fall. Fall to my knees, like it always should have been.
I'm going to be the bigger person if I have to. You are blowing things out of proportion and I'm sick of your rants and being told off. This ends here, tonight.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I have way more power than you thought, over you, over me.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

Now press repeat

Te dejé jugar con todo lo mío, sin restricciones, te dije la verdad, te mentí y me arrepentí, me perdonaste y volvimos a empezar.
Y ahora buscás mi cama, buscás mis manos como si no hubiera otras. Como si no hubiera otras? Me confundís, me nublás la mirada.
De tan solo pensar que pensando en vos hice lo impensado no se si llorar o reír, no entiendo que me pasa pero me estremezco al verte venir.
Hay días en los que pienso que no te quiero, que no te necesito, que no me gustás, que no me atraés. Hay días en que me alcanza una palabra para darte todo lo que tengo.
Por vos no dejaría nada, pero quisiera que por mí dejes todo. Me gusta exigir y que me exijan pero vos solamente te enojás y me retás de una manera muy fría.
Hoy hablar con vos es una batalla permanente, entre vos y yo y mía conmigo misma, no quiero caer y caí casi sin pensarlo, me quiero levantar pero ese tren ya pasó hace rato.
Sos todo, no sos nada, contingente o necesario, tu razón es mi principio y vivís en mi conciente pero de ahí no pasás jamás.
Porque podrías ser vos como podrías ser cualquiera, no quiero ver cosas donde no las hay pero quiero saber si las cosas que veo son ciertas.
Y llegamos a la misma conclusión, la luz está apagada y escucho un ruido, me escondo y me pregunto si habrá algo abajo de la cama.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
With your hands between your thighs. 

Just in time

I realised, just in time, that this is not at all alright,
I can no longer pretend I do not have a heart
it's not my place to tell you off, you're on your own
but if it's going to be like this, I'm sorry, I can't go on.

I should have known better and deep inside I did
I guess I wanted to play, I wanted to try
but I'm not strong, I'm not foolish enough to ignore
that you don't remember my name, you silly boy.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Someone to look good with and light your cigarette, is this what you really want?

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

I'm a thief, I'm a thief.

Más de vos. Más de mi.

Un mensaje. Un llamado. Un mensaje reenviado. Contestás. Me llamás. Arreglamos.Nos amamos.
Partís. Viajas. Espero. Espero. Espero. AnsiedadMucha ansiedad. Emoción. Espero. Espero. Un mensaje. Una llamada. Estás cerca.
Llegás. Me besas. Asensor. Me besás mejor. Me abrazás. Te beso mejor.
Entramos. Mi cuarto. Mi cama. Besos. Besos. Besos. Palabras de amor. Palabras de amor. Abrazos. Besos. Besos.
Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.
Nos levantamos. Salimos. Paseamos. Felicidad. Felicidad. Felicidad. Volvemos.
Entramos. Mi cuarto. Mi cama. Amor. Amor. Sexo. Amor. Amor. Amor. Amor en su forma más pura. Como nunca antes, amor.
Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.
Pelea. Pelea. Pelea que se vuelve insostenible.
Separación a corto plazo. Minuto. Minuto. Minuto.
Corazon latiendo. Beso. Amor. Amor. Beso. Mi cama. Amor. Amor.
Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.
Pelea. Pelea. Pelea que se vuelve insostenible.
Separación a corto plazo. Minuto. Minuto. Minuto.
Corazón latiendo. Beso. Amor. Amor. Beso. Mi cama. Amor. Amor.
Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.
Amor. Amor. Amor. Beso. Beso. Beso. Amor. Amor. Amor.
Nos levantamos. Salimos. Amigos. Fiesta. Baile. Amor. Amor. Beso. Beso.
Pelea. Pelea. Pelea que se vuelve insostenible.
Separación a corto plazo. Minuto. Minuto. Minuto.
Corazón latiendo. Beso. Amor. Amor. Beso. Amor. Amor. Volvemos.
Entramos. Mi cuarto. Mi cama. Amor. Amor. Sexo. Amor. Amor. Amor. Amor en su forma más pura. Como nunca antes, amor.
Placer. Como nunca antes, placer. Cansancio. Dormir.
Despertar. Amor. Sexo. Amor. Amor. Amor. Amor en su forma más pura. Como nunca antes, amor.
Placer. Como nunca antes, placer. Cansancio.
Levantarse. Acomodar. Amor. Amor. Me besás mejor. Me abrazás. Te beso mejor.Nos amamos.
Viajar. Comer. Tristeza. Comer. Viajar.
Más tristeza. Como nunca antes, tristeza.
Esperar. Esperar. Esperar. Tristeza. Máxima tristeza. Esperar. Esperar. Esperar.
Dobla el 160. Me besás. Me abrazás. Te beso mejor. Amor en su forma más pura.
El 160 a una cuadra. Puchero. Sonrisa falsaTristeza. Realidad. TristezaPuchero.
'Mandame mensajes y avisame cuando llegues. Chau gorda.'
'Si, chau.'
Te subís al 160. Te vás. Te alejás.

Vas a volver. Al poco tiempo, volvés. Como siempre lo hacés cada semana. Cada Sábado que venís. Ahí volvés. Es cuestión de esperar. Tiempo al tiempo. Una semana.Un mes. Medio año. Yo te espero. Siempre volvemos a vernos. Siempre volvemos al mismo lugar. Siempre nos volvemos a amar.
Tiempo al tiempo. Tiempo de vos.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

The end of me

This is going to be the end of me, you're going to destroy me
with your beautiful face and fresh charming smile
your touch is disarming, I'm falling apart.

One look and I melt just a tad of your scent and I'm far far away
I cannot help this and I don't want to control myself
if this is wrong just say so and I'll find something new to adore.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Do you believe in passion?

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011


Qué sano crecer y darse cuenta de los errores cometidos
qué placer tener la tranquilidad de mirarte a los ojos
y saber que tengo razón, que el equivocado sos vos.

Coincidencias inesperadas que la vida nos va tirando
como bromas del destino, en el último beso te estoy olvidando
y ya no se quien sos, sos un error, sos el pasado.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
If you tell me truth I'll explode, but a lie can rot a soul.

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011


Close your eyes, just let it go
say the words and I'm only yours
don't hold anything back
this is the right time
tell me what you're feeling
once and for all, speak your mind.

I'm fond of the playing and sneaking around
something about it gives me an adrenalin rush
I even enjoy the look in your face
when I laugh and say we have to be really quick.

But I'm growing tired of keeping this to myself
I need some reassurance, I need the rules to this game
so just tell me the truth, what is this? Who are you?
Am I wasting my time or are your words true?

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I can see us making ways from the back of the club to a bed in the shades.

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Testosterone boys and harlequin girls

Me acuerdo de la primera vez que escuché esta canción.
Estaba sentada en tu cama mirando para todos lados, nerviosa, y lo único que sonaba era la música. Vos no me hablabas, yo prestaba atención a las palabras para no pensar en vos.
Y te tenía enfrente, pero algo más nos distanciaba. El abismo era enorme, yo miraba por la ventana.
Puertas que se abren, puertas que se cierran, puertas que se traban, lo veo como si estuviese pasando, veo tu cabeza en la almohada.
Los parlantes me juzgaban y yo no sabía que hacía, casi que no sabía donde estaba. Afuera hacía calor, en tu cama hacía frío.
Los recuerdos de lo que pasó después son confusos, veo sillones veo camas, veo colchones en el piso y una guitarra desafinada. Escucho y revivo, escucho y existo.
Mirábamos televisión, tarareabamos metal, vos me tocabas y yo explotaba pero no iba a pasar nada más.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Dance to this beat.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

This paranoia is distressing

I like to shout but I'm not really loud. I'm the kind of girl you pick up in a bar. There's so much more about me than the things you can see when you look at me, so watch out because I'm about to say something and it might blow you off your feet.
You may walk away today, might as well do it tomorrow or even the next day, and you will never know what you missed, who you said no to, so you will have no regrets. Where is the fairness in this? I don't want to care about your kisses yet here I am writing about your hands touching my thighs and my so called independence.
I've never been this stupid, I've never been this blind, it's never been this complicated to forget about a man.
I lack the ability to let go off a one night stand, I'm not one to just kiss in a club. And I'm not trying to change for you, I'm trying to change for my own good.
Who wrote the rules to this game? Who gave you this much control? Oh, yes, it was me.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
The lights are on and someone's home but I'm not sure if they're alone.

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Fireworks and a fantasy

I guess I'm willing to say whatever it takes to get a reaction, to make you feel what I'm feeling, to get things to the point of no return when arms and legs can't be distinguished.

Shivers, fireworks, all we are is a bit of noise and two pairs of hands scratching thighs like there's no tomorrow.

All we have is here and now but it seems like we're flying, far away from this reality.

You give me such a high, it feels so right, every time you touch my skin my body trembles, I don't know why.

You've got that magic power, the ability to make me lose my mind and show me colors I didn't know existed, such a wonderful range of sensations brand new for me to experience.

I can't let go of this fantasy, I can't say no to your eyes, I refuse to walk away from something that makes me feel so alive.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
All was golden when the day met the night.

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Te necesito

Sin conocer las preguntas diste bien cada respuesta
de no mostrarte tan fresco, tan puro,
hasta creería que la tuya es una elegancia fingida
una perfección ensayada,
te miro, te adoro, te devoro con miradas furtivas.

Siempre tan lejano, siempre tan mío,
nunca vas a saber de mis labios lo mucho que te necesito,

Mademoiselle Juliette,
It's on purpose and you know it.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

I've got more wit, a better kiss.

Losing control of my body, I'm losing control of my mind
letting go of thoughts and feelings, it has never been so nice.
All of my senses are amplified, the things you make me experience
are completely outrageous, scandalous
you're out of your mind and it's spectacular.

Just promise me you won't stop, even if I ask you to.
Promise me it'll only get better, I don't mind being lied to.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Time keeps slipping us by when we're alone. Music makes me get high, we're getting down on the floor.

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Beggars & Queens

I must have mistaken you for a beggar, you may have mistaken me for a queen
this reality is so gorgeous I'd even spill blood all over it.

Because this is exactly what I've been waiting for, for everyone to see
the vital differences, the awful effects that time had on you but not on me.

Forget about the past what's done's done and you can't take anything back
but I've changed for the better and you're a living dead, a crying star.

It amazes me, I'm astonished to see how quickly you've come apart
it seems that in the end not even your most wicked tricks worked out.

Now go home and stare at my pictures, hide under your bed
you know the future's coming and you're about to lose your all your hair.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I've gone mad.


Solamente con mirarte ya no puedo conterme
me río y te sonrío, y parezco una demente.
Me gustaría poder decirte que por vos daría todo
pero temo que asustes y me mires con otros ojos.

Me siento a tu lado y observo todo lo que hacés
se que más que eso no puedo ni debo querer
pero me lleno de pena y sucumbo
ante las ganas de cambiarte la vida en un segundo.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Is it really necessary, every single day?

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Miles away

"Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
and smile smile smile
While you've a lucifer to light your fag
smile, boys, that's the style.
What's the use of worrying?
It never was worth while, so
pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
and smile smile smile".

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Everyone knew it was not a war worth fighting, but we had to bleed to death to understand what was happening.

Enough is enough

So it seems that in the end you couldn't keep the promises you made. And that's fine, I'm used to it by now.
I never knew what to expect so I expected nothing, but when someone gives you the world you start thinking you may have found something. 
Wrong, you lied, and everything you swore you wouldn't do you went and did. "What a disappointment, what a waste of breath" I'm sure that's exactly what you're expecting me to say, but I will never be as mean, as deceiving as you were.
I've been called names, I've been beaten to the floor, but I can't accept a lie when it comes to love. 
Your actions contradict your words and I wonder when you're being honest and when you're just playing a role. A man is a two-face and that I've always known, it just kills me to witness this meltdown, this faux.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
So here's everything coming down to nothing. Here's to silence that cuts me to the core. Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute, but I don't anymore.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Better off

You don't hurt the ones you love, no you don't,
you don't walk away from something
when it doesn't go the way you want, just because, no you don't.
One day you'll grow up and you'll realize you're wrong.
One day, maybe too late, you'll understand I'm better off.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I know it's been a year. I know you're not coming back. I know I'm so much better off yet I still miss you somehow. You never did anything to deserve me, I'll always be the best you had.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

To heal you have to live, you have to leave.

Sometimes it's not the chronological aspect of time that heals the wounds, but the moments you live and the things that happen during that period of time.
I've been to hell and back, I carry all sorts of ghosts and skeletons in my back. Months, years have passed by and things are finally falling into place, very slowly, one by one.
I thought I was never going to overcome this, I thought the end of you meant the end of me but I proved myself I'm not that weak.
I'm back and I'm almighty, while people die for their dreams I live to see them come true and it's magic. Everything I've always wanted now I have it, and I didn't need you to get any of it.
Life is better without you, and even though I still wish you the worst, today I couldn't care less about what happens to you.

Mademoiselle Juliette,
Thank you for showing me that best friends cannot be trusted, and thank you for lying to me. Your friendship, the good times we had, you can have them back.