
You might find these a bit hard to cope with. Easy there.
For all intents and purposes, I'm PG-16.
Intake is recommended in small doses to prevent nausea and an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Of Paths and Complaints

Now I see just how vain I've been, complaining about how I was losing my words with the most beautiful words I could find.
I despise my former self for being so stupid, so blindly bold and boldly blind. Today I may have lost my words, but at least I've found truth.
I stop and write, stop and think, stop and ask myself whether I should have taken the words before honesty. One's greater, the other one's more decent.
If I search deep inside I think, no, I know... all I've ever wanted was greatness.
Maybe after all I did take a wrong turn. Maybe later down the road I'll get another chance.


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