
You might find these a bit hard to cope with. Easy there.
For all intents and purposes, I'm PG-16.
Intake is recommended in small doses to prevent nausea and an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

lunes, 27 de junio de 2011


I still don't know you, after ten years and a half
I don't remember all the spots in your face
I just remember the way you held my hand
the look in your eyes when I said goodbye
and that was the first time that I broke a heart.

I must confess it felt so nice,
to have had the guts to do something like that
and even though I knew you'd hate me for life
I had to go through with my story, my lines,
to prove myself that I can hurt a man.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
No more liars.


You have built an enormous lie and bent over backwards to make me believe. With your whispers and rhymes you enchanted me, you fooled me, tricked me into thinking you were feeling things you were not.

For years and years you kept it alive, kept the connection and the contempt in my heart, because you had given me a home when all I had was a scar. 

But as time goes by I can see the master plan, I see the scheming and pretending and everything makes sense now. 

I see who you are and who you are not, I know what you feel and what you do to hide that too. There is just one thing I don't see, one thing I still can't comprehend.

Why did you feel the need to do such thing? Did it feel good, did it feel nice? Was it amusing to hear us sing and see the look in our eyes? 

Tears down our faces and things you could never understand, in the end we're far more real than you expected us to be.

You've changed my life and I can't deny that, but I hate the fact that it wasn't as special for you as it was for me. The memories I've come to treasure the most mean nothing to you, mean the world to me. 

How do I keep going with all this hate inside of me? With this anger, this fear and this disappointment of having wasted so much time and energy in something that was conceived as meaningless and mundane?

I should have known better, I should have given up. All the signs were there and I just refused to hear and kept on singing, blind. Blinded by the lights and that sense of unity you seemed to spread around.

Sometimes I think it was all me, looking for meaning in words that were flat, desperately trying to get something to hold on to. But it wasn't in my mind, I didn't imagine it. It was you, the craftsmen of suffering and despair, breaking illusions and hearts, because that's how you go about.

The hours that I've spent worshiping false gods I cannot ask back for. All can I do is hope I will never fall again in the irrelevant claws of commercial maneuvers, aimed at brainwashed dolls looking for a shag and some self-assurance.

Mademoiselle Juliettè
The winter of our discontent.

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

No podemos

Qué sabrás de mi, me tiene sin cuidado. Nada me avergüenza, nada que te puedan haber contado. El tiempo pasa y sos el mismo, soy la misma y el sentimiento es recíproco, pero la situación no acompaña, creeme, de esto no hay salida.
Porque pusiste tu mano en mi cintura y me dijiste lo prohibido, porque quisiste pasarte de listo y hacer cosas que no se te habían permitido, y no te importo el lugar, no te importo el momento, no te importo nada y la que paga el precio de tu indecencia es esta cara, confundida y lejana, que tenés en una foto arriba de tu cama.
Va a ser mejor olvidarse, si es que podés, si es que puedo. Dejemos todo esto atrás, no va a suceder ahora como no sucedio en su momento. Vos te vas y yo pienso, si algún día nos dejarán, si algún día podremos...

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Oh you know who you are, you know that quite well indeed.

domingo, 19 de junio de 2011


Everyday that goes by I cry a bit more
cause it's another day without hearing your voice
and all the things that we did I'll never forget
because that's how I want it to be.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Vos me estás mirando y yo voy a caer.


A mistake, a phrase, a word, a proposition,
all of the things you fear the most and hate
for you to see, written all over my face.

I hope you had fun dancing your rejection dance
lying through your teeth and sending me mixed signals
such a flirt, a heart breaker, a lady-juggler and the like.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I can get mine, and you get yours.

martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Knock once for the father

Ya no sé que está bien porque no sé que está mal.
Voy por la vida, digo, hago, deshago,
y nunca me paro a pensar con qué fin, con qué intenciones.
Me baso en cosas que pasaron, en sensaciones que tuve,
en amenazas a mi pasado y en ese tiro que no fue disparado.
Todavía no definí a donde voy ni como voy a lograrlo
pero sé muy bien que con ustedes no voy a ningún lado.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Credevo fossi una virgola, invece sei il punto. 

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Cannot refuse

Me duele saber, pensar y sentir que nunca tuve ni voy a tener algo tan real como lo que tuve con vos. Pero la certeza es tan inminente que no puedo más que sonreír y aceptarlo, como si no me quemara por dentro, como si no me importara.
A veces me pregunto si voy a crecer y dejarte atrás, si algún día te voy a olvidar, si se va a borrar mi memoria y de una vez por todas te voy a despegar de mí. Estás tan cómodo entre mis párpados, en cada línea, que no parece que fueses a irte a ningún lado.
No te quiero echar, no me malinterpretes, pero quiero seguir mi vida sin mirar atrás y verte ahí sentado, con los brazos abiertos y los ojos mojados, diciendo que me estuviste esperando, diciendo que nunca voy a amar a alguien como te amé a vos, diciendo que estoy arruinada, que esto fue todo y que para mí ya no hay mas amor.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I just can't get over you until you're over me.


Te tengo que dar un nombre rápido
antes de que mueras, antes del final
tengo que saber quien sos antes de dejarte ir
así sabré a quien recordar
y podré llamar de algún modo a mi dolor.
Quiero conocer tu cara y mostrarte
bajo la Luna, bajo las luces de neón
porque sos sólo mía
porque sos mi creación.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Have I found you? 

sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Wise or boring?

The wisest choice.
The one that's hard to make and hard to live with.
I don't know whether the regrets are worse than the what ifs
I just know that what I feel I never want to feel again.
I have to find a way out
so sick of living scared.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I'm not the girl that I intend to be.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011


I want something you can't give me.
I don't know if I really want you
 I'm just playing to get through the days.
I get a bit of fun from everything that I say,
I trick you into thinking that I am things I'll never be.
And you, gullible little boy, believe,
as if my words were sacred,
as if this pen in my hand wrote nothing but the truth.
You believe and your heart bleeds
from the pain I say I've been through,
your eyes cry the tears from the deaths of my beloveds,
every time you scream, you're screaming at my fears.
You have become a mere shadow,
the remains of my existence, there's no you anymore.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
While the sun shines on you I need some love to rain on me.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Don't leave me

Greed gets stronger than patience and art becomes a consequence of that constant search for greatness.
What used to be meaningless now is the reason to live and the focus is gone, such a blur I see no goal.
What about reconginition? Well I don't know, you tell me about it, I only live through someone else's eyes.
Such a sad passing, such a lovely gift lost, all I want is that sparkle back, but nothing seems to work.
As much as I try what's gone won't come back, as much as I want it I know I've left it behind.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I'll be fine, it's not the first, just like last time but a little worse.

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Pretty please

I don't want to look for you anymore I just want to find you
don't leave me hanging, on and on off, don't leave me hurting.
You know it's attention that I'm craving for so feed me
keep the pantomime alive, don't let this die, don't ruin things.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
I declare I don't care no more.

Dream on

Te metiste en mis sueños, ese mundo subconciente del que te creés dueño. Nadie te invitó, nadie te había mencionado, no me explico por qué apareciste donde yo no te quiero, porque me escondo de vos cuando en mí me encierro.
No quiero volver a verte, no quiero pensarte más, tus palabras me lastimaron tanto que volver a escucharte me podría matar. Sé que merezco algo mejor y sé que lo voy a encontrar, pero no en tus ojos, no en tu voz, no acá.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Compassion is something that they just don't teach.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011


Yo nunca mentí al respecto ni oculté nada. Nunca tuve vergüenza ni miedo de decir la verdad.
No sé por que se empecinan en hacerme sentir mal, me siento mejor que ustedes, yo estoy cómoda con quien elegí ser, y cuando quiera puedo cambiar. Pero hay cosas que ustedes hicieron que ya no pueden volver atrás.
A mí déjenme por mi camino, de esta manera soy feliz. No veo que diferencia les hace, si ustedes no tienen nada que ver.
Me cansa que opinen, me harta que juzguen, y si ustedes lo van a hacer entonces yo también. Preparen las armas, porque esto se llama guerra.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
See the sea wants to take me, the knife wants to slit me, do you think you can help me?

So obliging, sweet indulgence

Don't think I want to feel like this
tied to the way we touch, we kiss.
Still can't put my finger on what it is
but you blow my mind, you do.

You have me lingering, back and forth,
not even breathing, lying beside you
with my heart barely beating,
begging for something,
struggling to get there,
trying so hard but I could never resist it.

Walk away now that I got what I wanted from you
because I don't need a kiss of yours to get through the night.
For some reason I have a memory, I don't hold on to the past
but I experience old feelings, recreate them in my mind.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Oh well, enough said.

I'll see you next Tuesday

I'll never forget all the stupid things we've done
like the time that we got horny
watching "Into the blue" in my living room.

Remember the waves and the sand in our hands?
Remember the nights on the phone, the nights at the bar?
Remember all the things we did and then talked about?

We've gone from friends to acquaintances
to merely fun and games, in such little time
and some aspects of you just took me by surprise.

Who would've known the kind of secrets you hide
in the much frequented world of your underpants?
No, nobody could imagine the things that I've found out.

I don't need any more attention, I'm happy hanging on
I've got your number in case I can't wait anymore
but calling you for that still feels a little wrong.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
And if they don't believe me now, will they ever believe me?


Quiero que me mires, quiero que me veas, quiero ser ante tus ojos, quiero brillar a tus orillas, que me reconozcas.
Quiero que me escribas y que me sueñes, que me suspires, que me digas que sí.
No me gusta pensarte así, no quiero estar pendiente de lo que hacés. Pero no me sale ser otra cosa que el fantasma de tus suelas.
Es una triste, triste existencia para mí.

Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Something to look forward to.