For all intents and purposes, I'm PG-16.
miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out.
So don't take my advice,
You never wanted the nice boys anyway.
And I'm of good cheer,
'cause I've been checking my list,
the gifts you're receiving from me will be:
1- Awkward silence, and
2- Hopes you cry yourself to sleep,
Staying up, waiting by the phone.
And all I want this year's
For you to dedicate your last breath to me
Before you bury yourself alive.
Don't come home for xmas,
You're the last thing I wanna see
Underneath the tree.
Merry xmas, I could care less.
Happy new year's baby,
You owe me the best gift I will ever ask for.
Don't call me up when the snow comes down,
It's the only thing I want this year.
Fall Out Boy's gift for this holidays.
Mademoiselle Juliettè,
Iba a hacer esto mañana, o pasado. No me pude aguantar más.
domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009
Lost and found
I find most of the blogs annoying for they're all about proud mothers showing pictures of their baby children. Well gues what, my mum didn't have a blog.
I find most love songs annoying, since there are only two realities to them: they were made either from the ones who got the love of their lives to those who want someone to express the happiness they feel, or from the broken hearted to the broken hearted, with same purposes as the others.
I find every guy obnoxious and predictable. None of them surprise me anymore.
I find that no hairstyle works for me so they all suck. Same with clothes and make up.
I find food as a good complement of every day and also something that makes me look fatter and fatter.
I find that wanting to know things is easier yet less rewarding than knowing it all. I also think that the desire to study something just to let other people know I'm better makes me no better and that's not only frustrating but disappointing to the point of becoming repulsive.
I find fate to be a terrible lie. I find karma to suck and true love not to exist. Probably I'm the only one who truly and strongly believed they could make a difference, or that I could make a difference, turns out that's bullshit.
I find myself writing all the things I hate at two thirty four in the morning, and I'm starting to understand that life may be a little better if I spent less time bitching about things and more time enjoying. Fucking me.
Mademoiselle Juliettè
Back to spanish for the sake of your brain and my popularity:
lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009
She sells knock up purses.
miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009
Desperate Monologue
Proclamation of emancipation
domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009
Incipiente y preocupante desinterés
La novela “Un mundo feliz” de Aldous Huxley fue publicada en 1932 y es una distopía que cuenta la historia de dos personajes que viven en el año 2540.
La sociedad de ese momento se jacta de increíbles avances a nivel tecnológico, genético, biológico e industrial. Sus habitantes no ven nada negativo sobre la vida y no poseen casi defectos. Uno piensa lo mismo hasta que se da cuenta de qué cosas fueron resignadas para conseguir tal orden y felicidad: no existe la movilidad social ya que el sistema implementado es de castas, la ciencia la literatura y el conocimiento son cosas que están muy bien guardadas porque hay cosas de las que nadie debe enterarse, la existencia de un gobierno mundial terminó completamente con la diversidad cultural, ya no se habla de la institución de la familia porque los bebés son “fabricados” y nadie tiene madre ni padre. Y así, un sinfín de elementos que a nosotros nos parecerían indispensables para mantener una vida sana en sociedad se fueron destruyendo hasta que los individuos se limitaron a trabajar, mantener relaciones sexuales, consumir drogas y comprar cosas que no necesitan.
Esta irónica y bizarra mirada de la sociedad del futuro que supo tener Huxley esta proyectada muy lejos de nosotros en cuestiones de tiempo, sin embargo muchas de sus características se están empezando a manifestar en la actualidad.
Hoy el único país del mundo en el que se implementa el sistema de castas es la India, pero en su esencia lo que quiere decir es que uno nació en un lugar y de una manera y que va a ser así hasta que se muera. También que están aquellos que no tienen participación en la sociedad, los parias, los excluidos: los marginales o indigentes. No tenemos un sistema de castas pero las clases sociales marcadas en los países occidentales modernos se le parecen mucho.
A nosotros nadie nos quitó públicamente la ciencia, el conocimiento y las artes, pero deliberadamente entregamos todo eso, nos despojamos poco a poco de lo único que puede hacer que pensemos por nosotros mismos.
En “Un mundo feliz” se aplica el sistema de hipnopedia para enseñarles a los niños como comportarse según la casta a la que pertenecen y por métodos seudo-pavlovianos se acondiciona a cada ser humano desde los primeros años de su existencia hasta la adolescencia. Y encubiertamente, detrás de un montón de jingles e imágenes coloridas eso hacen los medios masivos de comunicación que, tomando el lugar de las familias, se convierten paulatinamente en los primeros agentes socializadores.
Gracias a Huxley vemos que una realidad horrible se está convirtiendo en la nuestra antes de tiempo. La pregunta es: ¿queremos que esto pare? Porque a veces parece que no.
Mademoiselle Juliettè,
lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009
You shouldn't blow kisses
domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009
Let's talk numbers
sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009
Weird accent
domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009
Not what I'm used to
Absent ¿minded?
martes, 13 de octubre de 2009
Confieso que has vivido
domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009
A rate that is truly alarming!
sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009
Beautiful Garbage
I get you in oh so many ways

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
I'm the dream you've been waiting for
martes, 6 de octubre de 2009
September went by so fast

The trees all have now flowers, but I still carry my treasure. The wind is softer and that hurts, bringing back to life all those memories we all wanna burn. I can almost see the sky large through the clouds, I can even see myself reflected in the Sun.
A broken doll
lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009
You already know how
domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009
There's no way I'm giving up
Everything had changed
Lie awake in an empty room
In my head it all feels the same
Like the taste of the day you left
That still lingers on my breath
And the dampness of tears that left
A stain where you had wept
All alone with the negligee
That still hangs off of my bed
I keep meaning to give it away
But I just leave it there instead
No need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
3 more days 'til I see your face
I'm afraid its far too much
Cook a meal and fix up the place
Dial your number, hang it up
If I took you for granted
I apologize for acting tough
Youre my reason for living
And theres no way I'm giving up, oh
Dont need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
Now every evening is a bitter fight
And Im eating home alone on a Friday night
I know what your friends say
Youre just wasting your love and time
I will never let you change your mind
No need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
No need to cry about it
I may just die without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
Every time I wind up back at your door
Every time I wind up back at your door
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009
Fin del Mundo (II)
martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009
Fin del Mundo (I)
lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009
Viudo negro
martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009
More mad than hurt
Do you think I deserve this
I tried to make you happy
I did all that I could
Just to treat you good in every way"
Present mirth hath present laughter;
What's to come is still unsure:
In delay there lies no plenty,--
Then come kiss me, Sweet and twenty,
Youth's a stuff will not endure."
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream."
lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009
I'm not going solo

sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2009
Too well dressed for the witness stand
A todos les pasa mas no a mí,
Y aunque me rodea la magia
No se dirige hacia aquí.
Duele verlos duele saberlos
Tan envueltos en su propia miel
Mientras yo tengo que conformarme
Con dos recuerdos, mi nostalgia
Y el diario cansado de ayer.
Una hora y otra hora se van sin decir adiós
La espera desespera,
La esperanza se hace dolor
Porque tanta expectativa envenena al corazón.
Mademoiselle Juliettè,
jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009
Lose lips sink ships

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009
Dulce martirio que envenena hasta matar
Diablo que me tientas no te acerques más
No quiero oír tus motivos, por favor, deja de susurrar
Me has hecho mentir, una y otra vez errar
Tus consejos no han sido viables,
Muchas veces me quisiste desarmar y acá estoy igual
Soy toda cicatrices, pura carne y sangre
Ya te demostré que era humana,
¿Es que acaso jamás me vas a liberar?
From a broken heart
martes, 11 de agosto de 2009
De nómade a sedentario
sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009
Live my life on a new perspective
lunes, 13 de julio de 2009
You look alright still
lunes, 6 de julio de 2009
Me & myself we kinda connect
"As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life.
Was it nothing more than a bunch of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seemed that way."Mr Jack Handey, ladies and gentlemen.
To change a word and change the world

Homesick at Spacecamp
And I'm always the last to know
My insides are copper
And I'd kill to make them gold
Conversation got me here: another night alone in the city
So make my bed the grave and shovel dirt onto my sheets
Every friend we ever had in common
I will sever the tie with you
You can thank your lucky stars
That everything i wish for will never come true
When you go, I will forget everything about you
I've seen sinking ships go down with more grace than you
Turn this up I'll tune you out
Another night alone in the city
Fake it like you matter-that's a lie we can both keep
viernes, 3 de julio de 2009
So unholy
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009
No me digas nada sobre gente desnuda
Mentíme, inventá, Que a mi me gusta.
I know I’m not the first but I can always be the last,
This is just another stage I’m only warming up.
I’m just down for the ride, oh! Wait and you’ll see
The madness of the modest and broken hearted.
Baby, no good deed goes unpunished.
I walk away and there are scars all over you,
History repeats itself, this is me this is good,
And I’d light you up in flames if you asked me to.
They say you got to get it wrong to get it right,
Or maybe I’m just making up excuses
To stop bleeding and make it through the night.
I ought to tell the doctors that I’m just fine
In the end I’m the only one who remembers how to cry.
I walk away and there are scars all over you,
History repeats itself, this is me this is good,
And I’d light you up in flames if you were to ask me to.
I know I’m not the best but I can’t always be so good
I’d like you to remember my mediocrity invented you
- Do you mean all the things you are?
- Are you pleased with the way things are?
- Do you give just to please yourself?
- Do you wish you where somewhere else?
- Have you learned all the secrets yet?
- Were you burned by the things I've said?